Due to the prevalence of E-commerce platforms, this is a practice back end to understand the fundamental architecture of e-commerce sites. This application was built using an Express.js back end and Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.
In order to use view this back end site, requirements are MySQL and node.js. To install all dependencies, run npm i
in the terminal.
The user must create MySQL crendentials in a .env file, with the database name, username, and password.
Then run the db schema sql file and seed the database using npm run seed
then run the application with node server.js
Video walkthrough of creating and seeding the database, and starting the application
Video walkthrough of successful GET Routes for Categories, Products, and Tags
Video walkthrough of successful POST/PUT Routes for Categories, Products, and Tags
Video walkthrough of successful DELETE Routes for Categories, Products, and Tags
While working on this project, I worked alongside Jackson Myhre in the same bootcamp class. A lot of the routes were taken from class activities and edited to work in this assignment.
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