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Releases: paragonie/easydb

Version 3.0.2

08 Jun 05:23
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  • Guarantee that EasyDB::row() always returns an array instead of throwing a TypeError when encountering null. See also: #144.

Version 3.0.1

21 May 16:30
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  • #143:
    Don't assume the array passed to insertMany() is indexed at 0.
  • Fixed the type declaration of the $duplicates_mode parameter to be nullable in buildInsertQueryBoolSafe().

Version 3.0.0

11 May 18:31
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  • #141:
    Increased minimum PHP Version to 8.0
    • Lots of code refactoring went into this, including strict-typing with PHP 8's new support for Union Types.
  • #142:
    Added support for Psalm Security Analysis

Version 2.12.0

11 May 16:42
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  • Migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
  • #136:
    Added EasyPlaceholder for calling SQL functions on insert/update queries
  • #137:
    Added csv() method to satisfy feature request #100
  • Miscellaneous boyscouting

Version 2.11.0

20 Jan 01:07
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  • #120:
    EasyStatement now defaults to WHERE 1 = 1 instead of WHERE 1
    to ensure success with PostgreSQL.
  • #122:
    Builds on PHP 7.4 in Travis CI, installs on PHP 8.

Version 2.10.0

15 Aug 22:59
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  • You can now pull the original exception (which may leak credentials via stack trace) from a ConstructorFailed exception by calling the new getRealException() method.
  • Added insertIgnore() (Insert a row into the table, ignoring on key collisions)
  • Added insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate() (Insert a row into the table; or if a key collision occurs, doing an update instead)
  • #111: EasyStatement: Don't fail with empty IN() statements

Version 2.9.0

12 Mar 14:19
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  • You can now side-step credential leakage in the Factory class
    by calling Factory::fromArray([$dsn, $username, $password, $options])
    instead of Factory::create($dsn, $username, $password, $options).

Version 1.7.0

01 Oct 16:57
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Congruent with 2.7.0's changes

Changed the behavior of several public APIs to invoke $this->prepare() instead of $this->pdo->prepare(). This might seem subtle, but in actuality, it allows classes that extend EasyDB to implement prepared statement caching.

Seeing as PHP 5 is reaching EOL soon, you want v2.x instead of 1.x, but for legacy software this change can make EasyDB more useful.

Version 2.7.0

23 Sep 09:01
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Changed the behavior of several public APIs to invoke $this->prepare() instead of $this->pdo->prepare(). This might seem subtle, but in actuality, it allows classes that extend EasyDB to implement prepared statement caching.

See /~ for more information

Version 2.6.2

14 Jun 17:12
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Fixed issues with insert() and booleans. See #84