Mysql and Mariadb monitoring application for Traffic, Queries per second, Reads/Writes per second and more. You can monitor and access your database using cloud web service on mobile, tablet and Laptop anywhere.
This application used cloud service. is cloud based monitoring and analysis SaaS platform. You can monitor your cloud infrstructure and applications using Pang SDK
Before you begin, you need an account. Please visit and create an account and retrieve your user key in user profile.
To run the application you will need Java 1.5+.
Very easy to install ^^.
Download a Pang Data mysql/mariadb monitoring application file and unzip it.
wget /~
tar -xvf pang-apps-monitor-mysqlmariadb.tar
cd pang-apps-monitor-mysqlmariadb/conf
Confgiure your account and user key in
pang.username=your username in
pang.userkey=your user key in
Confgiure database connection properties
Declare your status variable.
#If MySQL is frequently accessing the first row of a table index, it suggests that it is performing a sequential scan of the entire index. This indicates that the corresponding table is not properly indexed.
status.Handler_read_first = false
#If this variable is high, it suggests that MySQL's memory buffer is incorrectly configured for the amount of writes the server is currently performing.
status.Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free = false
#It provides real-time information on how many clients are currently connected to the server. This can help in traffic analysis or in deciding the best time for a server re-start.
status.Threads_connected = true
#This value provides a benchmark to help you decide the maximum number of connections your server should support. It can also help in traffic analysis.
status.Max_used_connections = true
status.Cpu_time = true
status.Queries = true
status.Memory_used = false
status.Innodb_deadlocks = false
# Performing filesystem reads for database indexes slows query performance. If this variable is high, it indicates that MySQL's key cache is overloaded and should be reconfigured.
status.Key_reads = false
#A high value indicates that many queries are not being optimally executed. A necessary next step would be to examine the slow query log and identify these slow queries for optimization.
status.Slow_queries = false
#A high value indicates that many queries are not being optimally executed. A necessary next step would be to examine the slow query log and identify these slow queries for optimization.
status.Select_full_join = false
#Below fields are not STATUS's variables. These fields are generated by calculation.
status.queries_per_second = true
#Unit: kb
status.traffic_in = true
#Unit: kb
status.traffic_out = true
#Unit: %
status.buffer_usage = true
#Innodb writes per second
status.writes_per_second = true
#Innodb reads per second
status.reads_per_second = true
Note: User key can be found in your profile of
Process will be executed in Background.
See your device in
Login your account. See main dashborad(Overview) and you can find registered device. Create your own dashboard and your data will play in realtime.
Wow!! all done. Enjoy and play with your device and your data.