ln -s $HOME/.dotfiles/zshrc $HOME/.zshrc
ln -s $HOME/.dotfiles/commonrc $HOME/.commonrc
ln -s $HOME/.dotfiles/gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
ln -s $HOME/.dotfiles/psqlrc $HOME/.psqlrc
ln -s $HOME/.dotfiles/nvim $HOME/.config/
ln -s $HOME/.dotfiles/espanso.yml $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/espanso/match/own.yml
For Neovim initialization: see installation guidelines on vim-plug repo and then :PlugInstall
for fast directory jump: /~https://github.com/rupa/zripgrep
for fast search: /~https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrepasdf
, one version manager to rule them all: https://asdf-vm.com/espanso
, an open-source text-expander: https://espanso.org/
NOTE: fzf
will come as a dependency of fzf.vim
so there should be no need to install it separately