The objective of this repository is having a CaaS Containers as a Service to provide a "ready to use" container with the basic enviroment features to deploy any application service under a lightweight Linux Alpine image with Nginx server platform and PHP-FPM for development stage requirements.
The container configuration is as Host Network on eth0
as Bridge network, thus it can be accessed through localhost:${PORT}
by browsers but to connect with it or this with other services ${HOSTNAME}:${PORT}
will be required.
This project does not include a database service for it is intended to connect to a database instance like in a cloud database environment or similar.
To emulate a SQL database service it can be used the following MariaDB 10.11 repository:
- Built on the lightweight and secure Alpine 3.19 2024 release Linux distribution
- Multi-platform, supporting AMD4, ARMv6, ARMv7, ARM64
- Very small Docker image size (+/-40MB)
- Uses PHP 8.3 as default for the best performance, low CPU usage & memory footprint, but also can be downgraded till PHP 8.0
- Optimized for 100 concurrent users
- Optimized to only use resources when there's traffic (by using PHP-FPM's
process manager) - The services Nginx, PHP-FPM and supervisord run under a project-privileged user to make it more secure
- The logs of all the services are redirected to the output of the Docker container (visible with
docker logs -f <container name>
) - Follows the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) to make it easy to understand and adjust the image to your needs
- Services independency to connect the application to other database allocation
To use a different PHP 8 version the following Dockerfile arguments and variable has to be modified:
ENV PHP_V="php83"
Also, it has to be informed to Supervisor Config the PHP-FPM version to run.
command=php-fpm83 -F
# Install main packages and remove default server definition
RUN apk add --no-cache \
curl \
wget \
nginx \
curl \
zip \
bash \
vim \
git \
RUN set -xe \
&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
libzip-dev \
freetype-dev \
icu-dev \
libmcrypt-dev \
libjpeg-turbo-dev \
libpng-dev \
libxslt-dev \
patch \
# Install PHP and its extensions packages and remove default server definition
ENV PHP_V="php83"
RUN apk add --no-cache \
${PHP_V} \
${PHP_V}-cli \
${PHP_V}-ctype \
${PHP_V}-curl \
${PHP_V}-dom \
${PHP_V}-fileinfo \
${PHP_V}-fpm \
${PHP_V}-gd \
${PHP_V}-intl \
${PHP_V}-mbstring \
${PHP_V}-opcache \
${PHP_V}-openssl \
${PHP_V}-phar \
${PHP_V}-session \
${PHP_V}-tokenizer \
${PHP_V}-soap \
${PHP_V}-xml \
${PHP_V}-xmlreader \
${PHP_V}-xmlwriter \
${PHP_V}-simplexml \
${PHP_V}-zip \
# Databases
${PHP_V}-pdo \
${PHP_V}-pdo_sqlite \
${PHP_V}-sqlite3 \
${PHP_V}-pdo_mysql \
${PHP_V}-mysqlnd \
${PHP_V}-mysqli \
${PHP_V}-pdo_pgsql \
${PHP_V}-pgsql \
${PHP_V}-mongodb \
# PHP Docker
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql gd
# PHP PECL extensions
RUN apk add \
${PHP_V}-pecl-amqp \
This project has not been tested on Windows OS neither I can use it to test it. So, I cannot bring much support on it.
Anyway, using this repository you will needed to find out your PC IP by login as an administrator user
to set connection between containers.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Primary Dns Suffix. . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Peer-Peer
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Take the first ip listed. Wordpress container will connect with database container using that IP.
Find out your IP on UNIX systems and take the first IP listed
$ hostname -I
Directories and main files on a tree architecture description. Main /docker
directory has /nginx-php
directory separated in case of needing to be included other container service directory with its specific contents
├── docker
│ ├── nginx-php
│ │ ├── docker
│ │ │ ├── config
│ │ │ ├── .env
│ │ │ ├── docker-compose.yml
│ │ │ └── Dockerfile
│ │ │
│ │ └── Makefile
│ │
│ └── (other...)
├── resources
│ ├── doc
│ │ └── (any documentary file...)
│ │
│ └── project
│ └── (any file or directory required for re-building the app...)
├── project
│ └── (application...)
├── .env
├── .env.example
└── Makefile
Makefiles are often used to automate the process of building and compiling software on Unix-based systems as Linux and macOS.
On Windows - I recommend to use Makefile:
Makefile recipies
$ make help
usage: make [target]
Makefile help shows this Makefile help message
Makefile hostname shows local machine ip
Makefile fix-permission sets project directory permission
Makefile host-check shows this project ports availability on local machine
Makefile project-ssh enters the project container shell
Makefile project-set sets the project enviroment file to build the container
Makefile project-create creates the project container from Docker image
Makefile project-start starts the project container running
Makefile project-stop stops the project container but data will not be destroyed
Makefile project-destroy removes the project from Docker network destroying its data and Docker image
Makefile project-install installs set version of project into container
Makefile project-update updates set version of project into container
Makefile repo-flush clears local git repository cache specially to update .gitignore
Makefile repo-commit echoes commit helper commands
Create a DOTENV file from .env.example and setup according to your project requirement the following variables
# Leave it empty if no need for sudo user to execute docker commands
# Container data for docker-compose.yml
PROJECT_TITLE="PHP PROJECT" # <- this name will be prompt for automation commands
PROJECT_ABBR="proj-php" # <- part of the service image tag - useful if similar services are running
PROJECT_HOST="" # <- for this project is not necessary
PROJECT_PORT="8888" # <- port access container service on local machine
PROJECT_CAAS="proj-php" # <- container as a service name to build the service
PROJECT_PATH="../project" # <- path where application is binded from container to local
Exacute the following command to create the docker/.env file, required for building the container
$ make project-set
PROJECT docker-compose.yml .env file has been set.
Checkout port availability from the set enviroment
$ make host-check
Checking configuration for PROJECT container:
PROJECT > port:8888 is free to use.
Checkout local machine IP to set connection between container services using the following makefile recipe if required
$ make hostname
If the container is built with the pre-installed application content, by browsing to localhost with the selected port configured http://localhost:8888/ will display the successfully installation welcome page.
The pre-installed application could require to update its dependencies. The following Makefile recipe will update dependencies set on composer.json
$ make project-update
If it is needed to build the container with other type of application (like a PHP framework), there is a Makefile recipe to set at docker/Makefile all the commands needed for its installation.
$ make project-install
$ make project-create
SYMFONY docker-compose.yml .env file has been set.
[+] Building 67.8s (28/28) FINISHED docker:default
=> [nginx-php internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2.88kB 0.0s
=> [nginx-php internal] load metadata for 1.5s
=> [nginx-php internal] load metadata for 1.5s
=> [nginx-php internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
[+] Running 2/2
⠴ Network proj-php_default Created 0.4s
✔ Container proj-php Started 0.3s
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container proj-php Running
Docker image size
$ sudo docker images
project-app proj... 373f6967199b 5 minutes ago 261MB
Stats regarding the amount of disk space used by the container
$ sudo docker system df
Images 1 1 260.7MB 0B (0%)
Containers 1 1 4B 0B (0%)
Local Volumes 1 0 473.2MB 473.2MB (100%)
Build Cache 39 0 15.06kB 15.06kB
Using the following Makefile recipe stops application from running, keeping database persistance and application files binded without any loss
$ make project-stop
[+] Stopping 1/1
✔ Container project-app Stopped 0.5s
To remove application container from Docker network use the following Makefile recipe (Docker prune commands still needed to be applied manually)
$ make project-destroy
[+] Removing 1/0
✔ Container project-app Removed 0.0s
[+] Running 1/1
✔ Network project-app_default Removed 0.4s
Untagged: project-app:project-nginx-php
Deleted: sha256:3c99f91a63edd857a0eaa13503c00d500fad57cf5e29ce1da3210765259c35b1
Pruning Docker system cache
$ sudo docker system prune
Total reclaimed space: 171.5MB
Pruning Docker volume cache
$ sudo docker volume prune
Total reclaimed space: 0MB