- User login.
- Thumbnail creation (50x50) from image url.
- Json patching.
- Clone this repository by running:
$ git clone /~https://github.com/otseobande/hackerbay-backend.git
- Navigate to into the project folder:
cd hackerbay-backend
- Install dependencies by running:
$ npm install
- Start the development server by running:
$ npm run start:dev
- All is set. You should be able to access the application via
To test the application simply run: $ npm run test
Docker hub repo: Link
To use the application's docker image. Follow the following steps:
- Download and install docker
- Login using:
$ docker login
- Pull the application image:
$ docker pull otseobande/hackerbay-backend
- Run the image in container:
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 otseobande/hackerbay-backend:latest
- The application should be accessible via
And you're good to go!
All endpoints are documented using postman. Checkout the published documentation.
This project is managed with Pivotal Tracker. Here's a link to the story board: PT board.