to get drupal files into files/drupal -
Install vagrant and VirtualBox or KVM/Qemu.
vagrant up
to your /etc/hosts to point your virtual environment. When default, drupal
Access URL 'drupal' from your Web browser.
Development data is sanitized in both email address and password.
You can login to Admin user with
username: Admin password: password
To contribute something to improve OpenStreetMap.jp site, please follow next procedure.
fork this tree onto your github.com repository.
make new branch named with your theme what you want to improve.
hack hack hack
pull request for this repository.
To install and enable new module, please modify puppet manifest to do so.
Adding module
Open manifests/osm_drupal_modules.pp
add line such as
osm_drupal::module_add{"geocoder": }
An author tested only on Ubuntu Linux 12.04(precise) 64bit as host/guest.
Test data is sanitized.
removed many account who don't have article.
change password.
change mail address.
Copyright 2013, Hiroshi Miura miurahr@osmf.jp License: GPLv2