This repository contains a collection of lab exercises and exams from the TDDE15: Advanced Machine Learning course taking at Linköping Univerity during the fall 2024. The main topics are: Bayesian Networks, Hidden Markov Models, Q-learning, REINFORCE, and Gaussian Processes.
Hill-Climbing Variability
- Show that different parameter settings yield non-equivalent Bayesian Network (BN) structures.
BN Classification
- Train a BN on 80% of the Asia dataset and classify
in the remaining 20%.
- Train a BN on 80% of the Asia dataset and classify
Markov Blanket Classification
- Classify
using only its Markov blanket.
- Classify
Naive Bayes Classifier
- Construct a naive Bayes BN by hand and classify
- Construct a naive Bayes BN by hand and classify
- Compare and explain differences across models.
Lab 2: Hidden Markov Model for Robot Navigation
Build HMM
- Define an HMM based on the robot’s movement and observation model.
Simulate HMM
- Run a 100-step simulation.
Path Estimations
- Compute filtered, smoothed, and Viterbi paths from observations.
- Calculate accuracy of filtered, smoothed, and Viterbi paths.
Repeat with Variability
- Demonstrate advantages of smoothed distributions over filtered and Viterbi.
Entropy Analysis
- Calculate entropy over time to check localization accuracy.
- Predict Next State
- Estimate hidden state probabilities for time step 101.
Q-Learning in Grid World
- Implement Q-learning, ε-greedy policy, and run 10,000 episodes.
Environment A
- Analyze learning with multiple rewards and observe optimal policy formation.
3. **Environment B** - Examine how ε and γ affect the agent’s policy in a 7×8 grid.
4. **Environment C** - Study the impact of β on policy in a 3×6 grid.
5. **REINFORCE in Grid World** - Understand the REINFORCE algorithm’s operation in a 4×4 grid with random goals.
- Environment D
- Validate policy learned with eight goal positions.
7. **Environment E** - Analyze overfitting with goals restricted to top-row training positions.
GP Regression Implementation
- Implement GP regression using the squared exponential kernel.
Posterior Updates
- Update the posterior with single and multiple observations and visualize results.
3. **GP Regression with kernlab** - Use `kernlab` to fit a GP model on daily temperature data and compare hyperparameter effects.
- Time vs. Day Model Comparison
- Compare GP models with
as inputs, analyzing pros and cons.
- Compare GP models with
- Locally Periodic Kernel
- Extend the GP with a periodic kernel to model seasonal patterns.
- GP Classification
- Train a GP classification model on banknote fraud data, using two and four covariates, and compare accuracy.
The exams folder contains exams for practice organized by date. Each folder contains exam instructions and my solutions. Exam dates:
- 2022-10-26
- 2023-10-25
- 2022-08-24
- 2021-10-25
- 2021-11-27
- 2020-10-27