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Grid Map Filters DRS

Custom grid map filters for DRS use, so we can easily integrate them using filter chains.

The package includes the filters in src/grid_map_filters_drs and a simple node to load a filter chain elevation_map_filter.

Demo code is also provided to showcase their use:

roslaunch grid_map_filters_drs demo_filters.launch

This package only supports ROS1


Base Height Threshold

Applies a threshold on height relative to a target_frame, given the TF tree, converting the values above the threshold to set_to_upper and the ones below to set_to_lower.

- name: height_filter
    type: gridMapFiltersDrs/BaseHeightThresholdFilter
      input_layer: elevation
      output_layer: height_thresholded
      target_frame: base
      threshold: -0.3
      set_to_upper: 0.0
      set_to_lower: 1.0

Change Normals Frame

Applies a transformation to a set of normal layers with a given prefix (e.g., normal_) and applies a rotation to match the indicated target_frame, asumming the normals are defined in the fixed frame of the grid map.

- name: rotate_surface_normals
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/ChangeNormalsFrameFilter
    input_layers_prefix: normal_
    target_frame: base_link

For the previous example, if the grid map is defined in odom, it will apply a transformation so the normals are expressed in the base_link frame, hence they should change when the robot rotates the base (or torso).

Delete All But (the given layers)

Deletes all the layers except the ones specified in layers.

  - name: delete
    type: gridMapFiltersDrs/DeleteAllButFilter
      layers: [elevation, traversability] # List of layers.

It will remove all the layers in the grid map and will just keep elevation and traversability.


It applies denoising OpenCV algorithms.

- name: denoise
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/DenoiseFilter
    input_layer: elevation
    output_layer: elevation_denoised
    radius: 0.5 # m
    type: non_local # 'total_variation', 'non_local', 'gaussian', and 'median' supported
    total_variation_lambda: 1.0
    total_variation_iters: 30
    non_local_strength: 30.0
    non_local_search_window: 21
    bilateral_window_size: 20

The filter supports Gaussian (gaussian) or median (median) filters, as well as Non-local means denoising (non_local) or total variation (total_variation).

Fast Normals

In contrast to the normals computation method available in the grid_map package, here we adopt a simpler approach assuming that normals always point in the Z axis, and we use computer vision techniques to compute the derivatives (with Sobel operators). It also allows to do some pre filtering to tthe input layer, and post filtering to the normal layers.

- name: surface_normals_fast
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/FastNormalsVectorFilter
    input_layer: elevation
    output_layers_prefix: normal_
    input_smoothing_radius: 0.15 # spatial gaussian filter (in meters)
    normals_smoothing_radius: 0.1 # spatial median filter (in meters)

Footprint mask

It returns a mask that represents the footprint of a robot in a given frame footprint_frame (obtained from tf). It accepts types rectangle or circle: for the former, it will use the length (x axis) and width (y axis) provided to make the rectangle; for the latter, it will use half diagonal as the radius. Additionally it accepts a clearance parameter.

- name: footprint_mask
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/FootprintMaskFilter
    output_layer: footprint_mask
    footprint_frame: base
    type: rectangle
    length: 1.0
    width: 0.5
    clearance: 0.1

Gaussian Process Inpaint

This filter uses a subsample of the map to apply a Gaussian Process regression, generating a super smooth surface. It depends on the limbo library.

- name: gp_inpainting
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/GaussianProcessInpaintFilter
    input_layer: elevation
    output_layer: elevation_gp_inpainted
    subsample_skip: 20 # skips n cells to reduce computation

Geodesic Distance Field 2D (GDF)

Computes the geodesic distance using the Fast Marching Method (FMM). It requires an input_layer with values in the [0,1] interval. It also requires an attractor point for the FMM given by a PoseWithCovarianceStamped message.

It also provides the gradients in X and Y as separate layers (in the example below, it will generate the layers geodesic_gradient_x and geodesic_gradient_y).

- name: geodesic
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/GeodesicDistanceField2dFilter
    input_layer: traversability
    output_layer: geodesic
    normalize_gradients: true
    attractor_topic: /goal
    threshold: 0.5 # Only applicable when using binarization
    use_binarization: true


It applies inpainting using OpenCV algorithms. It's the same as gridMapCv/InpaintFilter but adding a type option

- name: denoise_inpaint
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/DenoiseAndInpaintFilter
    input_layer: elevation
    output_layer: elevation_inpainted
    radius: 0.1 # in m
    type: ns # 'ns' or 'telea' allowed

The supported algorithms for inpainting are Navier-Stokes (ns) and Telea's method (telea).

Learned Motion Costs

Generates motion costs (risk, energy, time) based on the method by Yang et al. (2021). It requires the gpu_path_optimizer package to execute a service call given by service_name (not available by default).

- name: learned_risk
    type: gridMapFiltersDrs/LearnedMotionCostsFilter
      input_layer: elevation
      output_layer: risk_learned
      cost_layer: risk
      service_name: /traversability_server/compute_traversability

Nan Filler Filter

It fills the NaN values in a grid map using a simple criterion (mean, max, mean, or fixed_value).

- name: fill_nans
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/NanFillerFilter
    input_layer: elevation
    output_layer: elevation_no_nans
    set_to: mean # min, max, mean, fixed_value
    value: 0.0 # ignored if not 'fixed_value'

Nan Mask

It generates a new layer, with a binary mask indicating where the grid map has NaN values.

- name: nan_mask
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/NanMaskFilter
    input_layer: elevation
    output_layer: nan_mask

Signed Distance Field (SDF)

Computes a 2D signed distance field from a [0,1] layer, similarly to the GDF. It also provides the X and Y gradients as separate layers (in the example below, it will generate the layers sdf_gradient_x and sdf_gradient_y).

- name: sdf
  type: gridMapFiltersDrs/SignedDistanceField2dFilter
    input_layer: traversability
    output_layer: sdf
    normalize_gradients: true
    threshold: 0.5 # lower thresholds are more relaxed


If you use this repository in academic work, please cite:

M. Mattamala, N. Chebrolu and M. Fallon, "An Efficient Locally Reactive Controller for Safe Navigation in Visual Teach and Repeat Missions," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 2353-2360, April 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3143196.

  author={Mattamala, Matias and Chebrolu, Nived and Fallon, Maurice},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={An Efficient Locally Reactive Controller for Safe Navigation in Visual Teach and Repeat Missions}, 


Custom grid map filters for DRS use







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