This main branch provides Python bindings for the Orbbec SDK v1.x, allowing developers to interface with Orbbec devices in Python. the OrbbecSDK_V2.x branch provides Python bindings for the Orbbec SDK v2.x,The differences between Orbbec SDK v2.x and Orbbec SDK v1.x can be found in the README.
Welcome to the python wrapper . Before you begin using this version of python wrapper , it's crucial to check the following device support list to verify the compatibility.
Here is the device support list of main branch (v1.x) and v2-main branch (v2.x):
Product Series | Product | Branch main | Branch v2-main |
Gemini 330 | Gemini 335 | full maintenance | recommended for new designs |
Gemini 336 | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 330 | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 335L | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 336L | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 330L | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 335Lg | not supported | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 2 | Gemini 2 | full maintenance | recommended for new designs |
Gemini 2 L | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Gemini 2 XL | recommended for new designs | to be supported | |
Femto | Femto Bolt | full maintenance | recommended for new designs |
Femto Mega | full maintenance | recommended for new designs | |
Femto Mega I | full maintenance | to be supported | |
Astra | Astra 2 | full maintenance | recommended for new designs |
Astra+ | limited maintenance | not supported | |
Astra Pro Plus | limited maintenance | not supported | |
Astra Mini | Astra Mini Pro | full maintenance | not supported |
Note: If you do not find your device, please contact our FAE or sales representative for help.
- recommended for new designs: we will provide full supports with new features, bug fix and performance optimization;
- full maintenance: we will provide bug fix support;
- limited maintenance: we will provide critical bug fix support;
- not supported: we will not support specific device in this version;
- to be supported: we will add support in the near future.
products list | firmware version |
Gemini 330 | 1.2.20 |
Gemini 330L | 1.2.20 |
Gemini 335 | 1.2.20 |
Gemini 335L | 1.2.20 |
Gemini 336 | 1.2.20 |
Gemini 336L | 1.2.20 |
Femto Bolt | 1.0.6/1.0.9 |
Femto Mega | 1.1.7/1.2.7 |
Gemini 2 XL | Obox: V1.2.5 VL:1.4.54 |
Astra 2 | 2.8.20 |
Gemini 2 L | 1.4.32 |
Gemini 2 | 1.4.60 /1.4.76 |
Astra+ | 1.0.22/1.0.21/1.0.20/1.0.19 |
Femto | 1.6.7 |
Femto W | 1.1.8 |
DaBai | 2436 |
DaBai DCW | 2460 |
DaBai DW | 2606 |
Astra Mini Pro | 1007 |
Gemini E | 3460 |
Gemini E Lite | 3606 |
Gemini | 3.0.18 |
Astra Mini S Pro | 1.0.05 |
Clone the repository to get the latest version of the Python bindings for Orbbec SDK.
git clone /~
Install the necessary Python development packages on Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-venv python3-pip python3-opencv
If you use Anaconda, set the Python3 path to the Anaconda path in pyorbbecsdk/CMakeLists.txt
before the find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development)
set(Python3_ROOT_DIR "/home/anaconda3/envs/py3.6.8") # Replace with your Python3 path
set(pybind11_DIR "${Python3_ROOT_DIR}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11") # Replace with your Pybind11 path
Create a virtual environment and build the project.
cd pyorbbecsdk
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dpybind11_DIR=`pybind11-config --cmakedir` ..
make -j4
make install
Set up your environment to run examples and install necessary system rules.
cd pyorbbecsdk
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/install/lib/
sudo bash ./scripts/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
python3 examples/
python3 examples/ # Requires ffmpeg installation for network device
Additional examples are available in the examples
directory. Please see examples/ for further details.
Generate Python stubs for better IntelliSense in your IDE.
pip3 install pybind11-stubgen
pybind11-stubgen pyorbbecsdk
For instructions on how to build and run the examples on Windows, please refer to docs/
Generate a wheel package for easy distribution and installation.
cd pyorbbecsdk
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dpybind11_DIR=`pybind11-config --cmakedir` ..
make -j4
make install
cd ..
pip3 install wheel
python3 bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/*.whl
To get device timestamps through the UVC protocol on a Windows system, you must modify the registry by completing a registration process. This is required due to default system limitations. Follow the steps below to configure your system:
- Ensure your UVC-compatible device is connected to the computer and recognized by the system. Confirm that the device is online and functioning.
- Open the Start menu, type
, right-click on the PowerShell app, and select 'Run as administrator'.
- Use the
command to change the directory to the location of your scripts
- Modify the PowerShell execution policy to allow script execution. Run the following command and press
when prompted to confirm the change:Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
- Run the registration script to modify the registry settings. Use the following command:
.\obsensor_metadata_win10.ps1 -op install_all
This will complete the necessary registration and modification of settings to allow device timestamps via the UVC protocol on your Windows system.
For detailed documentation, please refer to docs/
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.