Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\MVP-Sounds-GoldKingZ\config\config.json
//Enable MySql? Located In MVP-Sounds-GoldKingZ/config/MySql_Settings.json
"MVP_UseMySql": false,
//true: Will Disable All Mvps
//false: Will Disable Only Who Have Custom MVP
"MVP_ForceDisableDefaultMVP_ToAll": false,
//Change MVP Display Menu From Chat To Centre?
"MVP_ChangeMVPMenuFromChatToCentre": true,
//Toggle In Game To Show MVP
"MVP_InGameMenu": "!mvp,!mvps,!mvpsound",
//First/Default Depend SteamID64 If He Have Music Kit Selected, This Will Get Ignored
"MVP_DefaultMusicKitPerSteam": {
"76561198206086993": "MVP_2",
"76561198974936845": "MVP_3"
//Only Allow These Groups To Have Access To MVP_InGameMenu (Making Empty "" Means Everyone Has Access) [ex of groups: "@css/root,@css/admin,#css/admin"]
"MVP_OnlyAllowTheseGroupsCanMVP": "",
//Only Allow These Groups To Disable MVP Client Side (Making Empty "" Means Everyone Has Access) [ex of groups: "@css/root,@css/admin,#css/admin"]
"MVP_OnlyAllowTheseGroupsCanToggleOffMVP": "@css/root,@css/admin,@css/vip,#css/admin,#css/vip",
//Auto Delete Inactive Players Cookies Older Than X Days plugins/MVP-Sounds-GoldKingZ/Cookies/MVP_Sounds_Cookies.json
"MVP_AutoRemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays": 7,
//Auto Delete Inactive Players Cookies Older Than X Days In MySql
"MVP_AutoRemovePlayerMySqlOlderThanXDays": 7,
Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\MVP-Sounds-GoldKingZ\config\MVP_Settings.json
Download /~ With Gold KingZ WorkShop
mm_extra_addons 3244740528
You Can Find WorkShop Path Sounds In /~
"CanBePreview" = Make Item PreviewAble Before Select
"FLAGS" = Depend Who Access To The Items [ex of groups: @css/root,@css/admin,#css/admin]
"HIDDEN" = Will Make Only Who Has Access "FLAGS" Can See The Item
"Message_Chat" = Print Chat In Lang ""
"Message_Center" = Print Center In Lang "now.playing.centre"
"Message_Center_Bottom" = Print Center Bottom In Lang "now.playing.centre.bottom"
"Custom_Message" = Will Switch All Messages To Separate Print In Lang "" Depend MVP Kit Name
"MVP_Kit_Name" = Music Kit Display Name
"Sound_Path_X" = Music Path Start With 1 Put As Many As You Like And It Will Play Randomly With No Duplicates
// Colors
//{Yellow} {Gold} {Silver} {Blue} {DarkBlue} {BlueGrey} {Magenta} {LightRed}
//{LightBlue} {Olive} {Lime} {Red} {Purple} {Grey}
//{Default} {White} {Darkred} {Green} {LightYellow}
// Other
//<br> = Next Line On Center Hud
//{nextline} = Print On Next Line
"player.not.allowed": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {darkred}MVP Menu Is For {lime}VIPS {darkred}Only",
"player.disabled.not.allowed": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {darkred}Disable MVP Is For {lime}VIPS {darkred}Only",
"player.not.allowed.musickit.flag": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| This Music Kit For {darkred}Vips Only",
"player.preview": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Playing {purple}{0} {grey}For You Only",
"player.musickit.selected": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| You Select Music Kit {purple}{0}",
"player.musickit.disabled": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| MVP Music Now {darkred}Disabled",
"player.musickit.enabled": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| MVP Music Now {lime}Enabled",
"player.musickit.remove": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Your Custom MVP Sounds is Now {darkred}Removed",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"now.playing.centre": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"now.playing.centre.bottom": "{0} Is MVP Of The Match! Playing {1}",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {lightblue}{0} {grey} Is MVP Of The Match !!!!!!! {nextline}{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Now Playing {purple}{1}",
"": "<font color='purple'>{0} <font color='white'>Is MVP Of The Match! <br> <img src='' class=''> <br> <br> <font color='white'>Playing <font color='green'>{1} </font>",
"": "{0} Is MVP Of The Match! Playing {1}",
"": ".:[ Music Menu ]:.",
"": "You Want [ {0} ] ?",
"menu.answer.yes": "Yes",
"": "No, Preview It First",
"menu.back": "-> Back",
"menu.disabled": "Disabled All MVP Sounds",
"menu.enabled": "Enabled All MVP Sounds",
"menu.remove": "Remove Your Custom MVP Sound"
-Remove MVP_VVipMusicKit
-Remove MVP_AdminMusicKit
-Remove "VVIP" To Music Kit
-Remove "ADMIN" To Music Kit
-Added "FLAGS" To Music Kit
-Fix Sync Music To All
-Added MVP_VVipMusicKit
-Added MVP_AdminMusicKit
-Added MVP_DefaultMusicKitPerSteam
-Added MVP_OnlyAllowTheseGroupsCanToggleOffMVP
-Added "HIDDEN" To Music Kit
-Added "VVIP" To Music Kit
-Added "ADMIN" To Music Kit
-Added Extra Music In Workshop 3244740528
-Fix Crash
-Fix Message Centre and Centre Bottom Not Shown To Dead People
-Added MVP_AutoRemovePlayerMySqlOlderThanXDays
-Added Back In Menu "menu.back"
-Added MVP_ChangeMVPMenuFromChatToCentre
-Initial Release
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)