A DNN OpenStore payment provider plugin
This is a payment provider plugin for . It will enable any
DNN 9.4+ site running OpenStore to accept CC payments into their SogeEcommerce account. You must
have a valid merchant account for real transactions to work. Testing the form based payments
does not require an account and can be done using the publicly available credentials.
The module installation will add a payment provider option to your DNN Open Store site.
Backup your db and DNN site. Install into DNN as a normal module. The installation process will ensure that your DNN OpenStore installation is using at least v8.5.2 of the NBrightTemplateSys. v8.5.2 is the first NBrightTemplateSys version to include encryption support for text inputs. It's required for encrypting your Sog credentials.
Go into Open-Store BO>Admin, the "OS_Sog" option should be listed.
See Sog's developers portal for your username, password, public key and hash keys. These are required for the form based payments. If you are using the IPN you are not required to enter the hash key.
Configure your OpenStore Back Office plugin settings for the Sog Ecommerce plugin with the credentials from step 3.
Select the sandbox mode when you are testing against your sandbox account. Uncheck this box when you are ready to send requests to your actual Sog account. You must have IIS bound to localhost for testing. Urls such as dnndev.me or dnn.local won't work. Your production server must be using https.
Congratulations! The gateway should now be ready and your customers can purchase securely with Sogecommerce during your OpenStore checkout process.
- Backup your db and DNN site. Install the module into your development enviroment.
- Clone the repo to your /DesktopModules/NBright/ directory.
- Your development environment IIS server must bind your DNN site to localhost otherwise the payment form will not work using the sandbox(untested).
- See the Sog developer portal for your api User Name, Passwords other credentials.
- Configure your settings for the Sog plugin. You will need a User Name, Password, Public Key and Hash Key for form based hash validation. IPN set ups do not require a hash key to be entered.
- You should be able to compile and attach the debugger at this point.
- You can test charges against your sandbox using the card values provided by the embedded form plugin.
- none
There is no sql provider with this module install but it's best to still follow best practice and back up both your db & file system before installing.
This module borrowed from OS_Square for the implementation of the Sogecommerce embedded payment form which is the successor to OS_Sips. The plugin provides support for form and IPN payment options.
This project was built using templates provided for the OpenStore community, examples which can be found on the Sogecommerce developers portal, and code from the OS_Square plugin.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
You can create an issue or submit a pull request to help make the plugin work better.