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Mike Conlon edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the vivo-isf-ontology wiki!

Getting started

There are various options for accessing the latest content of this repository:

  1. The latest development files are accessible in a zipped format from /~ and this approache does not need Git tools.
  2. You can clone this repository to your local machine. The "develop" branch is checked out by default and it will contain the latest development files.
  3. If you plan on contributing to this repository, the usual Github workflow for this is to first fork this repository to your own Github account, add your contributions to your own fork in a new branch, and then submit your contribution with a "pull request". This workflow does not work well with OWL files so please contact us before getting started until we have better tools to support this workflow.

Git branches

This repository follows the Gitflow workflow pattern. It is described at and there are many other Git and Gitflow related resoures and tools on the Web.

The following are the current branches:

  • master: This is the latest stable release of the vivo-isf-ontology with previous releases as parent commits. There are no releases yet since our move to Github. For the previous release, please see our former project site at:
  • develop: The latest commits. This is similar to SVN trunk. This is the branch that has our content until we have our next release.
  • connect-isf-archive: A branch that archives the original Google Code connect-isf project at

The VIVO-ISF ontology is an information standard for representing scholarly work.

Additional Resources

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