Institutes: INRAE/CIRAD
Status: python package
AgroService is a Python package that provides access to IPM Web Services (at least) and a framework to easily implement Web Services wrappers. This package is intended to be close to the webservice. Therefore the requests will have the same API that each web service. The contract of agroservice is to wrap web services API into Python and to convert inputs and outputs. In the end, this package will provide transparent access to IPM Services in Python . It will allow OpenAlea to query and access data services, DSS catologue and thus execution of DSS models.
Follow official website instruction to install miniconda :
Create a new environment with agroservices installed in there :
mamba create -n agroservices -c conda-forge -c openalea3 openalea.agroservices
mamba activate agroservices
In an existing environment :
mamba install -c openalea3 -c conda-forge openalea.agroservices
# Install dependency with conda
mamba create -n agroservices -f conda/environment.yml
mamba activate agroservices
# Clone agroservice and install
git clone /~
cd agroservices
pip install -e .
# (Optional) Test your installation
cd test; pytest
- python >= 3.6
- appdirs
- bs4
- colorlog
- requests
- requests_cache
- pygments
- jsf
You can see the complete documentation with tutorials at: xxx
All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements, and ideas are welcome.
A detailed overview on how to contribute can be found in the contributing guide.