Onepanel - JavaScript client for onepanel This is a Javascript client for Onedata Onepanel service. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 21.02.8
- Package version: 21.02.8
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install onepanel --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. /~ then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var Onepanel = require('onepanel');
var defaultClient = Onepanel.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: api_key1
var api_key1 = defaultClient.authentications['api_key1'];
api_key1.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key1.apiKeyPrefix['X-Auth-Token'] = "Token"
// Configure API key authorization: api_key2
var api_key2 = defaultClient.authentications['api_key2'];
api_key2.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key2.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
var basic = defaultClient.authentications['basic'];
basic.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
basic.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
var api = new Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi()
var id = "id_example"; // {String} The Id of a space.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.cancelAutoCleaning(id, callback);
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v3/onepanel
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | cancelAutoCleaning | POST /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/cancel | Cancel space auto-cleaning |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | configureSpaceAutoCleaning | PATCH /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/configuration | Configure space auto-cleaning mechanism |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | getProviderSpaceAutoCleaningReport | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/reports/{report_id} | Get the report from a space auto-cleaning run |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | getProviderSpaceAutoCleaningReports | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/reports | Get Ids of of the space auto-cleaning reports |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | getProviderSpaceAutoCleaningStatus | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/status | Get status of space auto-cleaning mechanism |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | getSpaceAutoCleaningConfiguration | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/configuration | Get space auto-cleaning configuration |
Onepanel.AutoCleaningApi | triggerAutoCleaning | POST /provider/spaces/{id}/auto-cleaning/start | Trigger space auto-cleaning |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | addClusterHost | POST /hosts | Add given host to the cluster |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | createInviteToken | POST /invite_tokens | Create node invite token |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | createUserInviteToken | POST /cluster/invite_user_token | Generate cluster invitation token for a user |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getClusterCookie | GET /cookie | Get cluster cookie |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getClusterHosts | GET /hosts | Get cluster hosts |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getClusterMembersSummary | GET /cluster/members_summary | Get summary of members in this cluster |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getConfiguration | GET /configuration | Get public configuration |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getCurrentCluster | GET /cluster | Get details of this cluster |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getNode | GET /node | Get information about current onepanel node |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getProgress | GET /progress | Get deployment progress |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | getTaskStatus | GET /tasks/{id} | Get background task result |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | joinCluster | POST /join_cluster | Join existing cluster |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | modifyProgress | PATCH /progress | Modify progress markers |
Onepanel.ClusterApi | removeClusterHost | DELETE /hosts/{host} | Remove host from cluster |
Onepanel.CurrentUserApi | getCluster | GET /user/clusters/{id} | Get details of a user's cluster |
Onepanel.CurrentUserApi | getClusters | GET /user/clusters | List user's clusters |
Onepanel.CurrentUserApi | getCurrentUser | GET /user | Get details of authenticated user |
Onepanel.DNSApi | checkDns | GET /dns_check | Check correctness of DNS entries for the cluster's domain |
Onepanel.DNSApi | getDnsCheckConfiguration | GET /dns_check/configuration | Return settings used when performing the DNS check |
Onepanel.DNSApi | modifyDnsCheckConfiguration | PATCH /dns_check/configuration | Configure dns check |
Onepanel.DebugApi | getTransfersMock | GET /provider/debug/transfers_mock | Get transfers mock status |
Onepanel.DebugApi | modifyTransfersMock | PATCH /provider/debug/transfers_mock | Modify transfers mock |
Onepanel.FilePopularityApi | configureFilePopularity | PATCH /provider/spaces/{id}/file-popularity/configuration | Configure file popularity mechanism in the space |
Onepanel.FilePopularityApi | getFilePopularityConfiguration | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/file-popularity/configuration | Get file popularity configuration |
Onepanel.InternalApi | getRemoteProvider | GET /providers/{id} | Get details of a remote Oneprovider |
Onepanel.InternalApi | health | GET /health | Check cluster health |
Onepanel.InternalApi | testImage | GET /test_image | Get test image |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaClearDb | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db | Clear LUMA DB |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetAclGroupToOnedataGroupMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_group_to_onedata_group/{groupname} | Lookup mapping of ACL group |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetAclUserToOnedataUserMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_user_to_onedata_user/{username} | Lookup mapping of ACL user |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetConfig | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/config | Get LUMA DB configuration |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetDefaultPosixCredentials | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_access/posix_compatible/default_credentials/{space_id} | Lookup default posix credentials |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetDisplayCredentials | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/display_credentials/all/default/{space_id} | Lookup default display credentials |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetOnedataUserToCredentialsMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_access/all/onedata_user_to_credentials/{onedata_user_id} | Lookup Onedata user to credentials mapping |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaGetUidToOnedataUserMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_import/posix_compatible/uid_to_onedata_user/{uid} | Lookup mapping of UID |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaRemoveAclGroupToOnedataGroupMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_group_to_onedata_group/{groupname} | Remove mapping of ACL group |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaRemoveAclUserToOnedataUserMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_user_to_onedata_user/{username} | Remove mapping of ACL user |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaRemoveDefaultPosixCredentials | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_access/posix_compatible/default_credentials/{space_id} | Remove default posix credentials |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaRemoveDisplayCredentials | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/display_credentials/all/default/{space_id} | Remove default display credentials |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaRemoveOnedataUserToCredentialsMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_access/all/onedata_user_to_credentials/{onedata_user_id} | Remove Onedata user to credentials mapping |
Onepanel.LUMADBApi | lumaRemoveUidToOnedataUserMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/db/storage_import/posix_compatible/uid_to_onedata_user/{uid} | Remove mapping of UID |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedAddOnedataUserToCredentialsMapping | POST /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/all/onedata_user_to_credentials | Insert Onedata user to credentials mapping into local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedGetAclGroupToOnedataGroupMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_group_to_onedata_group/{groupname} | Lookup mapping of ACL group in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedGetAclUserToOnedataUserMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_user_to_onedata_user/{username} | Lookup mapping of ACL user in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedGetDefaultPosixCredentials | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/posix_compatible/default_credentials/{space_id} | Lookup default posix credentials in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedGetDisplayCredentials | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/display_credentials/all/default/{space_id} | Lookup default display credentials in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedGetOnedataUserToCredentialsMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/all/onedata_user_to_credentials/{onedata_user_id} | Lookup Onedata user to credentials mapping in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedGetUidToOnedataUserMapping | GET /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/uid_to_onedata_user/{uid} | Lookup mapping of UID in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedModifyOnedataUserToCredentialsMapping | PATCH /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/all/onedata_user_to_credentials/{onedata_user_id} | Update Onedata user to credentials mapping in local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedRemoveAclGroupToOnedataGroupMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_group_to_onedata_group/{groupname} | Remove mapping of ACL group from local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedRemoveAclUserToOnedataUserMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_user_to_onedata_user/{username} | Remove mapping of ACL user from local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedRemoveDefaultPosixCredentials | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/posix_compatible/default_credentials/{space_id} | Remove default posix credentials from local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedRemoveDisplayCredentials | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/display_credentials/all/default/{space_id} | Remove default display credentials from local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedRemoveOnedataUserToCredentialsMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/all/onedata_user_to_credentials/{onedata_user_id} | Remove Onedata user to credentials mapping from local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedRemoveUidToOnedataUserMapping | DELETE /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/uid_to_onedata_user/{uid} | Remove mapping of UID from local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedSetAclGroupToOnedataGroupMapping | PUT /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_group_to_onedata_group/{groupname} | Insert mapping of ACL group into local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedSetAclUserToOnedataUserMapping | PUT /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/acl_user_to_onedata_user/{username} | Insert mapping of ACL user into local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedSetDefaultPosixCredentials | PUT /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_access/posix_compatible/default_credentials/{space_id} | Insert default posix credentials into local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedSetDisplayCredentials | PUT /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/display_credentials/all/default/{space_id} | Insert default display credentials into local feed |
Onepanel.LUMADBLocalFeedApi | localFeedSetUidToOnedataUserMapping | PUT /provider/storages/{id}/luma/local_feed/storage_import/posix_compatible/uid_to_onedata_user/{uid} | Insert mapping of UID into local feed |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | addOnes3 | POST /provider/ones3 | Add OneS3 services |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | addProviderDatabases | POST /provider/databases | Deploy provider databases |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | addProviderManagers | POST /provider/managers | Add provider cluster managers |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | addProviderWorkers | POST /provider/workers | Add provider cluster workers |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | configureProvider | POST /provider/configuration | Configure provider deployment |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getOnes3StatusClusterWide | GET /provider/ones3 | Get OneS3 service status (cluster-wide) |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getOnes3StatusOnHost | GET /provider/ones3/{host} | Get OneS3 service status on a host |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderClusterIps | GET /provider/cluster_ips | Get provider cluster nodes IPs |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderConfiguration | GET /provider/configuration | Get provider cluster configuration |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderDatabaseStatus | GET /provider/databases/{host} | Get provider database status |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderDatabasesStatus | GET /provider/databases | Get provider databases status |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderManagerStatus | GET /provider/managers/{host} | Get provider cluster manager status |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderManagersStatus | GET /provider/managers | Get provider cluster managers status |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderNagiosReport | GET /provider/nagios | Get provider nagios report |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderWorkerStatus | GET /provider/workers/{host} | Get provider cluster worker status |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | getProviderWorkersStatus | GET /provider/workers | Get provider cluster workers status |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | modifyProviderClusterIps | PATCH /provider/cluster_ips | Set external IPs of nodes in application config |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopOnes3ClusterWide | PATCH /provider/ones3 | Start/stop OneS3 service (cluster-wide) |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopOnes3OnHost | PATCH /provider/ones3/{host} | Start/stop OneS3 service on a host |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopProviderDatabase | PATCH /provider/databases/{host} | Start/stop provider database |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopProviderDatabases | PATCH /provider/databases | Start/stop provider databases |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopProviderManager | PATCH /provider/managers/{host} | Start/stop provider cluster manager |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopProviderManagers | PATCH /provider/managers | Start/stop provider cluster managers |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopProviderWorker | PATCH /provider/workers/{host} | Start/stop provider cluster worker |
Onepanel.OneproviderClusterApi | startStopProviderWorkers | PATCH /provider/workers | Start/stop provider cluster workers |
Onepanel.OneproviderIdentityApi | addProvider | POST /provider | Register provider |
Onepanel.OneproviderIdentityApi | getOnezoneInfo | GET /provider/onezone_info | Get Onezone information |
Onepanel.OneproviderIdentityApi | getProvider | GET /provider | Get provider details |
Onepanel.OneproviderIdentityApi | modifyProvider | PATCH /provider | Modify provider details |
Onepanel.OneproviderIdentityApi | removeProvider | DELETE /provider | Unregister provider |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | addZoneDatabases | POST /zone/databases | Add zone databases |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | addZoneManagers | POST /zone/managers | Add zone cluster managers |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | addZoneWorkers | POST /zone/workers | Add zone cluster workers |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | configureZone | POST /zone/configuration | Configure zone deployment |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneClusterIps | GET /zone/cluster_ips | Get zone cluster nodes IPs |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneConfiguration | GET /zone/configuration | Get zone cluster configuration |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneDatabaseStatus | GET /zone/databases/{host} | Get zone database status |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneDatabasesStatus | GET /zone/databases | Get zone databases status |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneManagerStatus | GET /zone/managers/{host} | Get zone cluster manager status |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneManagersStatus | GET /zone/managers | Get zone cluster managers status |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneNagiosReport | GET /zone/nagios | Get zone nagios report |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneWorkerStatus | GET /zone/workers/{host} | Get zone cluster worker status |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | getZoneWorkersStatus | GET /zone/workers | Get zone cluster workers status |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | modifyZoneClusterIps | PATCH /zone/cluster_ips | Set external IPs of nodes in application config |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | startStopZoneDatabases | PATCH /zone/databases | Start/stop zone databases |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | startStopZoneDatabasesHost | PATCH /zone/databases/{host} | Start/stop zone database |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | startStopZoneManager | PATCH /zone/managers/{host} | Start/stop zone cluster manager |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | startStopZoneManagers | PATCH /zone/managers | Start/stop zone cluster managers |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | startStopZoneWorker | PATCH /zone/workers/{host} | Start/stop zone cluster worker |
Onepanel.OnezoneClusterApi | startStopZoneWorkers | PATCH /zone/workers | Start/stop zone cluster workers |
Onepanel.SecurityApi | getEmergencyPassphraseStatus | GET /emergency_passphrase | Get emergency passphrase status |
Onepanel.SecurityApi | getWebCert | GET /web_cert | Get information about SSL certificates configuration and status |
Onepanel.SecurityApi | modifyWebCert | PATCH /web_cert | Modify SSL certificate configuration |
Onepanel.SecurityApi | setEmergencyPassphrase | PUT /emergency_passphrase | Set emergency passphrase |
Onepanel.ServiceConfigurationApi | getGuiMessage | GET /zone/gui_messages/{id} | Get settings of a Onezone GUI message |
Onepanel.ServiceConfigurationApi | getZonePolicies | GET /zone/policies | Get Onezone policies |
Onepanel.ServiceConfigurationApi | modifyGuiMessage | PATCH /zone/gui_messages/{id} | Modify settings of a Onezone GUI message |
Onepanel.ServiceConfigurationApi | modifyZonePolicies | PATCH /zone/policies | Modify current Onezone policies |
Onepanel.SpaceSupportApi | getProviderSpaces | GET /provider/spaces | Get provider spaces |
Onepanel.SpaceSupportApi | getSpaceDetails | GET /provider/spaces/{id} | Get space details |
Onepanel.SpaceSupportApi | modifySpace | PATCH /provider/spaces/{id} | Modify space details |
Onepanel.SpaceSupportApi | revokeSpaceSupport | DELETE /provider/spaces/{id} | Revoke space support for a space |
Onepanel.SpaceSupportApi | supportSpace | POST /provider/spaces | Support space |
Onepanel.StorageImportApi | forceStartAutoStorageImportScan | POST /provider/spaces/{id}/storage-import/auto/force-start | Force start auto storage import scan |
Onepanel.StorageImportApi | forceStopAutoStorageImportScan | POST /provider/spaces/{id}/storage-import/auto/force-stop | Force stop auto storage import scan |
Onepanel.StorageImportApi | getAutoStorageImportInfo | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/storage-import/auto/info | Get information about auto storage import scan |
Onepanel.StorageImportApi | getAutoStorageImportStats | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/storage-import/auto/stats | Get statistics of auto storage import mechanism |
Onepanel.StorageImportApi | getManualStorageImportExample | GET /provider/spaces/{id}/storage-import/manual/example | Get manual storage import example |
Onepanel.StoragesApi | addStorage | POST /provider/storages | Add storage |
Onepanel.StoragesApi | getStorageDetails | GET /provider/storages/{id} | Get storage details |
Onepanel.StoragesApi | getStorages | GET /provider/storages | Get storages |
Onepanel.StoragesApi | modifyStorage | PATCH /provider/storages/{id} | Modify storage config |
Onepanel.StoragesApi | removeStorage | DELETE /provider/storages/{id} | Remove storage |
Onepanel.UserManagementApi | addOnezoneUser | POST /zone/users | Create Onezone user |
Onepanel.UserManagementApi | changeUserPassword | PATCH /zone/users/{id} | Set password for Onezone user |
Onepanel.UserManagementApi | getOnezoneUser | GET /zone/users/{id} | Get Onezone user details |
Onepanel.UserManagementApi | getOnezoneUsers | GET /zone/users | List Onezone users |
- Onepanel.AutoStorageImportConfig
- Onepanel.AutoStorageImportInfo
- Onepanel.AutoStorageImportStats
- Onepanel.BlockDevices
- Onepanel.BlockDevicesBlockDevices
- Onepanel.ClusterDatabases
- Onepanel.ClusterDetails
- Onepanel.ClusterIps
- Onepanel.ClusterManagers
- Onepanel.ClusterMembersSummary
- Onepanel.ClusterOneS3
- Onepanel.ClusterWorkers
- Onepanel.Configuration
- Onepanel.CurrentUser
- Onepanel.DataUsage
- Onepanel.DatabaseHosts
- Onepanel.DnsCheckConfiguration
- Onepanel.DnsCheckResult
- Onepanel.DnsCheckSummary
- Onepanel.EmergencyPassphraseChangeRequest
- Onepanel.EmergencyPassphraseStatus
- Onepanel.Error
- Onepanel.ErrorDetails
- Onepanel.GuiMessage
- Onepanel.Host
- Onepanel.HostAddRequest
- Onepanel.Id
- Onepanel.Ids
- Onepanel.InlineResponse202
- Onepanel.InviteToken
- Onepanel.LumaConfig
- Onepanel.LumaOnedataGroup
- Onepanel.LumaOnedataUser
- Onepanel.LumaStorageCredentials
- Onepanel.LumaStorageUser
- Onepanel.LumaUserMapping
- Onepanel.ManagerHosts
- Onepanel.ManualStorageImportExample
- Onepanel.ModifyClusterIps
- Onepanel.Node
- Onepanel.OneS3Hosts
- Onepanel.OnezoneInfo
- Onepanel.OnezoneUser
- Onepanel.OnezoneUserCreateRequest
- Onepanel.PanelConfiguration
- Onepanel.PasswordChangeRequest
- Onepanel.PosixCompatibleCredentials
- Onepanel.Progress
- Onepanel.ProgressModify
- Onepanel.ProviderClusterConfiguration
- Onepanel.ProviderClusterConfigurationDetails
- Onepanel.ProviderConfiguration
- Onepanel.ProviderConfigurationDetails
- Onepanel.ProviderConfigurationDetailsOneprovider
- Onepanel.ProviderConfigurationOneprovider
- Onepanel.ProviderDetails
- Onepanel.ProviderModifyRequest
- Onepanel.ProviderRegisterRequest
- Onepanel.ProviderSpaces
- Onepanel.ProviderStorages
- Onepanel.RemoteProviderDetails
- Onepanel.ServiceDatabases
- Onepanel.ServiceHosts
- Onepanel.ServiceOnes3
- Onepanel.ServiceStatus
- Onepanel.ServiceStatusHost
- Onepanel.SpaceAutoCleaningConfiguration
- Onepanel.SpaceAutoCleaningReport
- Onepanel.SpaceAutoCleaningReports
- Onepanel.SpaceAutoCleaningRuleSetting
- Onepanel.SpaceAutoCleaningRules
- Onepanel.SpaceAutoCleaningStatus
- Onepanel.SpaceDetails
- Onepanel.SpaceFilePopularityConfiguration
- Onepanel.SpaceModifyRequest
- Onepanel.SpaceSupportRequest
- Onepanel.StorageCreateDetails
- Onepanel.StorageCreateRequest
- Onepanel.StorageCreateResponse
- Onepanel.StorageGetDetails
- Onepanel.StorageImport
- Onepanel.StorageModifyDetails
- Onepanel.StorageModifyRequest
- Onepanel.TaskId
- Onepanel.TaskStatus
- Onepanel.TimeStats
- Onepanel.Token
- Onepanel.TransfersMock
- Onepanel.VersionInfo
- Onepanel.WebCert
- Onepanel.WebCertModifyRequest
- Onepanel.WebCertPaths
- Onepanel.WorkerHosts
- Onepanel.ZoneClusterConfiguration
- Onepanel.ZoneClusterConfigurationDetails
- Onepanel.ZoneClusterConfigurationNodes
- Onepanel.ZoneConfiguration
- Onepanel.ZoneConfigurationDetails
- Onepanel.ZoneConfigurationDetailsOnezone
- Onepanel.ZoneConfigurationOnezone
- Onepanel.ZonePolicies
- Onepanel.Ceph
- Onepanel.CephCredentials
- Onepanel.CephModify
- Onepanel.Cephrados
- Onepanel.CephradosCredentials
- Onepanel.CephradosModify
- Onepanel.Glusterfs
- Onepanel.GlusterfsCredentials
- Onepanel.GlusterfsModify
- Onepanel.HTTP
- Onepanel.HTTPCredentials
- Onepanel.HTTPModify
- Onepanel.LumaIdpEntitlementScheme
- Onepanel.LumaIdpUserScheme
- Onepanel.LumaOnedataGroupScheme
- Onepanel.LumaOnedataUserScheme
- Onepanel.NFS
- Onepanel.NFSCredentials
- Onepanel.NFSModify
- Onepanel.Nulldevice
- Onepanel.NulldeviceCredentials
- Onepanel.NulldeviceModify
- Onepanel.OpConfiguration
- Onepanel.OzConfiguration
- Onepanel.Posix
- Onepanel.PosixCredentials
- Onepanel.PosixModify
- Onepanel.S3
- Onepanel.S3Credentials
- Onepanel.S3Modify
- Onepanel.Swift
- Onepanel.SwiftCredentials
- Onepanel.SwiftModify
- Onepanel.Webdav
- Onepanel.WebdavCredentials
- Onepanel.WebdavModify
- Onepanel.XRootD
- Onepanel.XRootDCredentials
- Onepanel.XRootDModify
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Auth-Token
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication