This is the accompanying repository for the article The best autoregressive approach to audio inpainting is gap-wise Janssen authored by Ondřej Mokrý and Pavel Rajmic, submitted to EUSIPCO 2025.
A novel variant of the Janssen method for audio inpainting is presented. The new method is compared with a number of other popular audio inpainting methods based on autoregressive modeling. Main differences between the particular approaches are pointed out. In the experimental part, the importance of the choice of the AR model estimator is confirmed by objective metrics, and the effect of the chosen AR model order and window size is explored. The results of small-scale and mid-scale computational experiments are in agreement. The results show the superiority of the proposed gap-wise Janssen approach, which is confirmed by a listening test.
The preprint is available at arXiv.
The repository includes the MATLAB source codes needed to reproduce the research:
- plotting – Matlab scripts that load the results and replicate the figures used in the paper + some more.
- references – Implementation of reference methods, namely SPAIN and SPAIN-MOD, with the help of InpaintingRevisited and Dictionary learning for sparse audio inpainting.
- results –
files with all the SDR and ODG values from testing the methods. Recovered signals are not included due to file size limits. However, these can be reproduced using themaintest.m
scripts. - utils – All the functions needed to run the main files, except for the codes for the Psychoacoustically motivated evaluation.
– Source signals and masks, taken from TestSignals repository.maintest.m
– Main code running the test of the AR-based methods.maintest_spain.m
– Main code running the test of the SPAIN variants.
Regarding the mid-scale experiment using the IRMAS dataset, the folder irmas includes a list of the files used in our experiment and a Matlab script which crops the files to a length of 7 seconds. The original files can be downloaded here.
For supplementary material (graphs, audio), see the accompanying website.
Note that the codes to compute the psychoacoustically motivated metrics (PEMO-Q, PEAQ) are not provided.
The PEAQ package can be acquired from TSP Lab of McGill University, the PEMO-Q software is available through University of Oldenburg. Because the processing is very time- and space-demanding, the provided .mat files with the results include all the data precomputed.
The experiments were run in Matlab R2023a using Signal Processing Toolbox (Version 9.2), Parallel Computing Toolbox (Version 7.8) and Large Time-Frequency Analysis Toolbox (Version 2.4.0).
For running SPAIN with dictionary learning as a reference method, the CVX toolbox is necessary.