ShimmerRecyclerView is an custom RecyclerView library based on Facebook's Shimmer effect for Android library and inspired from Sharish's ShimmerRecyclerView.
There is reason behind creating a separate library for ShimmerRecyclerView, most of libraries doesn't not support runtime switching of LayoutManager
or shimmer layout
resources. Secondly the other similar library is build upon Supercharge's ShimmerLayout which is I feel very less active in terms of release. So I came up with an alternative.
Change layout manager in runtime LinearLayoutManager
to GridLayoutManager
and Shimmer will adopt accordingly.
Setup mShimmerRecyclerView.setItemViewType(ShimmerAdapter.ItemViewType)
to change view type of Shimmer adapter.
Switching Layouts | Multiple Type Demo | Grid Demo |
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To include ShimmerRecyclerView
in your project, add the following to your dependencies:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.facebook.shimmer:shimmer:0.5.0'
implementation 'com.todkars:shimmer-recyclerview:0.4.1'
The following snippet shows how you can use Shimmer RecyclerView in your project.
app:shimmer_recycler_item_count="10" />
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private ShimmerRecyclerView mShimmerRecyclerView;
//... other variables
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mShimmerRecyclerView = findViewById(;
mShimmerRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this),
// This is optional, use if no attributes are mentioned in layout xml resource.
// WARNING: Setting Shimmer programmatically will obsolete all shimmer attributes.
/* mShimmerRecyclerView.setShimmer(mShimmer); */
/* Shimmer layout view type depending on List / Gird */
mShimmerRecyclerView.setItemViewType((type, position) -> {
switch (type) {
case ShimmerRecyclerView.LAYOUT_GRID:
return position % 2 == 0
? R.layout.list_item_shimmer_grid
: R.layout.list_item_shimmer_grid_alternate;
case ShimmerRecyclerView.LAYOUT_LIST:
return position == 0 || position % 2 == 0
? R.layout.list_item_shimmer
: R.layout.list_item_shimmer_alternate;
mShimmerRecyclerView.showShimmer(); // to start showing shimmer
// To stimulate long running work using android.os.Handler
mHandler.postDelayed((Runnable) () -> {
mShimmerRecyclerView.hideShimmer(); // to hide shimmer
}, 3000);
Most of the attributes used for ShimmerRecyclerView are same as Facebook's ShimmerFrameLayout below is detail table:
Name | Attribute | Description |
Shimmer Layout | shimmer_recycler_layout | Layout reference used for as shimmer base. |
Shimmer Item Count | shimmer_recycler_item_count | Number of shimmers to be shown in list, default is 9. |
Clip to Children | shimmer_recycler_clip_to_children |
Whether to clip the shimmering effect to the children, or to opaquely draw the shimmer on top of the children. Use this if your overall layout contains transparency. |
Colored | shimmer_recycler_colored |
Whether you want the shimmer to affect just the alpha or draw colors on-top of the children. |
Base Color | shimmer_recycler_base_color |
If colored is specified, the base color of the content. |
Highlight Color | shimmer_recycler_highlight_color |
If colored is specified, the shimmer's highlight color. |
Base Alpha | shimmer_recycler_base_alpha |
If colored is not specified, the alpha used to render the base view i.e. the unhighlighted view over which the highlight is drawn. |
Highlight Alpha | shimmer_recycler_highlight_alpha |
If colored is not specified, the alpha of the shimmer highlight. |
Auto Start | shimmer_recycler_auto_start |
Whether to automatically start the animation when the view is shown, or not. |
Duration | shimmer_recycler_duration |
Time it takes for the highlight to move from one end of the layout to the other. |
Repeat Count | shimmer_recycler_repeat_count |
Number of times of the current animation will repeat. |
Repeat Delay | shimmer_recycler_repeat_delay |
Delay after which the current animation will repeat. |
Repeat Mode | shimmer_recycler_repeat_mode |
What the animation should do after reaching the end, either restart from the beginning or reverse back towards it. |
Direction | shimmer_recycler_direction |
The travel direction of the shimmer highlight: left to right, top to bottom, right to left or bottom to top. |
Dropoff | shimmer_recycler_dropoff |
Controls the size of the fading edge of the highlight. |
Intensity | shimmer_recycler_intensity |
Controls the brightness of the highlight at the center |
Shape | shimmer_recycler_shape |
Shape of the highlight mask, either with a linear or a circular gradient. |
Tilt | shimmer_recycler_tilt |
Angle at which the highlight is tilted, measured in degrees. |
Fixed Width or Height | shimmer_recycler_fixed_width or shimmer_recycler_fixed_height |
Fixed sized highlight mask, if set, overrides the relative size value. |
Width or Height Ratio | shimmer_recycler_width_ratio or shimmer_recycler_height_ratio |
Size of the highlight mask, relative to the layout it is applied to. |
ShimmerRecyclerView a custom RecyclerView library
Copyright (C) 2019 Omkar Todkar <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
Facebook Shimmer is published under BSD License