System built on ROS2 Humble distribution to utilize NTRIP for a RTK Global Navigation Satelite System (GNSS).
RTCM corrections obtained through an NTRIP Client are passed through a ROS Topic and provided to the u-blox driver to obtain high accuracy in GPS/GNSS positioning.
u-blox driver by KumarRobotics is used and can be found here /~ The current configuration set is utilized for a ZED F9P receiver acting as a rover.
To activate the ublox node, run the following command in the terminal: ros2 launch ublox_gps
NTRIP Client package by LORD-MicroStrain is used and can be found here /~ Prior to running the command below, provide the NTRIP credentials (for access, if required) in the file including the host, port, mountpoint, username, and password.
To activate the NTRIP Client node, run the following command in the terminal: ros2 launch ntrip_client
As the NTRIP Client requires an NMEA message, the /fix type message is parsed into an /nmea type message by running the fix2nmea executable. It can be executed by running the following command in the terminal: ros2 run fix2nmea fix2nmea