This is java utilite reads different icon formats to use it in the applicaitons (e.g. Swing), but it doesn't depend on any Swing's sources).
E.g. in Swing application, usually we use png files for images. This manager provide ability to use any icon formats instead.
Currently supports:
- *.ico - Windows Icon
- *.icl - Windows Icon Library
- *.icns - Macintosh Icon
JLabel label_16x16_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("smile_16x16_HighColor.png"));
JLabel label_24x24_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("smile_24x24_HighColor.png"));
JLabel label_32x32_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("smile_32x32_HighColor.png"));
It means, that if we use lot's of different images, we have lot's of files in resources.
- *.ico and *.icns
IconManager iconManager = IconManager.getInstance();
File file = new File("smile.ico"); // or "smile.icns"
String id = file.getName();
iconManager.addIcon(id, ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file));
// get icon from the icon manager
IconFile iconFile = iconManager.getIconFile(id);
JLabel label_16x16_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage(ImageKey.parse(16, 16, 16))));
JLabel label_24x24_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage(ImageKey.parse(24, 24, 16))));
JLabel label_32x32_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage(ImageKey.parse(32, 32, 16))));
// or use id directly in format: "<width>x<height>_<bitsPerPixel>"
JLabel label_16x16_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage("16x16_16")));
JLabel label_24x24_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage("24x24_16")));
JLabel label_32x32_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage("32x32_16")));
- *.icl This is a Windows icon library, therefore each icon has it's own name (lower-case) inside the library
IconManager iconManager = IconManager.getInstance();
File file = new File("smile.icl");
String id = file.getName();
iconManager.addIcon(id, ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file));
// get icon library from the icon manager
IclFile iconFile = iconManager.getIconFile(id);
// get list of existed icons from the library
Set<String> names = getNames(); // e.g. name = "Doom"
String firstIcon = names.iterator().next();
JLabel label_16x16_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage(ImageKey.parse("Doom", 16, 16, 16))));
JLabel label_24x24_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage(ImageKey.parse("Doom", 24, 24, 16))));
JLabel label_32x32_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage(ImageKey.parse("Doom", 32, 32, 16))));
// or use id directly in format: "<iconMame>_<width>x<height>_<bitsPerPixel>"
JLabel label_16x16_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage("doom_16x16_16")));
JLabel label_24x24_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage("doom_24x24_16")));
JLabel label_32x32_HighColor = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(iconFile.getImage("doom_32x32_16")));