Created a webpage to teleoperate-rosbot 2.0 by using html + javascript + css
To create a Ros Environment [Command in terminal]
- Prerequisite:
- A laptop/PC with Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic with RVIZ, Gazebo installed
- Simulation Robot: ROSBOT2.0 2.1 Installation of ROSbot2.0 simulation model (Gazebo)
A. Prepare the repository:
cd ~
mkdir catkin_ws_web
mkdir catkin_ws_web/src
cd ~/catkin_ws_web/src
cd ~/catkin_ws_web
B. Clone this repository to your workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws_web/src
git clone /~
C. Install dependencies:
cd ~/catkin_ws_web
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
D. Build the workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws_web
From this moment you can use rosbot simulations. Please remember that each time, when you open new terminal window, you will need to load system variables: source ~/catkin_ws_web/devel/
E. To launch the Gazebo simulation:
roslaunch rosbot_description rosbot_rviz_gmapping.launch
You can run ‘rostopic list’ in terminal to see the topic that is currently running.
- Installtion of Rosbridge & Ros Web Server (if you haven't installed)
3.1 Installation of ROS Bridge
Go to src folder that created,
cd ~/catkin_ws_web/src
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rosbridge-server
3.2 Installation of ROS Web Server
cd ~/catkin_ws_web/src
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-web-video-server
- Establish ROS bridge and Web Video Server
A. Open a terminal, after running the simulation that mentioned in Step 2E, establish the ROS Bridge, to launch the web sockets to allow web apps to publish or subscribe ROS messages.
B. Open a new terminal, run roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
C. Open a new terminal, rosrun web_video_server web_video_server. Output: go to a browser and type localhost:8080
D. Open the index.html file (under src folder)