Written by Olli Jarva, Sebastién Piquemal, Marja Käpyaho
- Install Django >= 1.4
- fastcgi script is located under bin folder.
In the production environment, the media files (css, js) should be served to a directory called static in the root of the service. If you change any static files, do so under passwords/static and run
python manage.py collectstatic
- Initialize database
python manage.py syncdb
- Change base_dn from passwords/models.py
MIT license. See LICENSE.txt.
- picnet: http://www.picnet.com.au/picnet-table-filter.html , licensed under MIT license
- ldapdb: http://opensource.bolloretelecom.eu/projects/django-ldapdb/ , 3-clause BSD license
- bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ , Apache license v2.0
- chosen: /~https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/ , MIT license