_id: <string>, // Bioguide ID
first_name: <string>,
last_name: <string>,
party: <string>,
last_term: <Term>
_id: <string>, // Committee code
name: <string>
congress: <int>,
member: <Member>,
chamber: enum['house', 'senate'],
state: <State>,
district: <District?>,
class: <int?>,
committees: <Committee>[]
title: <string>,
congress: <int>,
subjects: <string>[],
summary: <string>,
sponsors: <string>[],
cosponsors: <string>[],
votes: <Vote>[]
member: <Member>,
bill: <Bill>,
vote: enum['y', 'n', 'a']
_id: <string>,
state: <State>
geojson: <GeoJSON>,
rep: <Member> // // Used to keep track of if a term needs to be updated
_id: <string>,
fips: <string>,
name: <string>,
reps: <Member>[] // Used to keep track of if a term needs to be updated