English | 简体中文
is a SQL lifecycle management product hatched from the Ant group, providing SQL closed-loop capabilities throughout all stages of develop, integration, operation and maintenance, and continuous optimization.
- SQL Optimization:Support SQL optimization, provide index suggestion, PMD suggestion, rewrite and other capabilities
- SQL Review:Support SQL Review of multiple ORM framework
- Slow log Analysis:Support Slow log analysis
- SQL Monitor:Provides SQL monitoring services of different engines, collects SQL, Plan, Catalog, Statistics and other data to help developers analyze SQL problems in real time
- OceanBase(MySQL Mode)
- prerequisites: recommended python == v3.8 (tested on 3.8) It is recommended to use conda to create virtual environment
conda create --name slm_3.8 python=3.8
conda activate slm_3.8
- install
git clone /~https://github.com/oceanbase/sql-lifecycle-management.git
cd sql-lifecycle-management && make install
- meta database config
cd sql-lifecycle-management && vim db.cfg
- meta database schema init
mysql -h host_ip -u user_name -p
source init/init.sql
- visit web
cd sql-lifecycle-management && sh ./start.sh
visit http://localhost:8989
- build
git clone /~https://github.com/oceanbase/sql-lifecycle-management.git
cd sql-lifecycle-management
docker build -t <your_tag> .
- run
docker run -itd -p 8989:8989 <image_id> /bin/bash
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
- meta database config
# in docker
vim db.cfg
- meta database init
mysql -h host_ip -u user_name -p
source init/init.sql
If you don't have an existing metabase. you can also install mysql service locally using Docker
docker run --name=mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your_password> -dit mysql:latest
- visit web
sh ./start.sh
visit http://localhost:8989
Please refer to the Configuration Guide for an overview on how to configure SQL-Lifecycle-Management. part guide:
- Database engine extension
- OceanBase
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- TiDB
- PolarDB
- Rule precipitation
- SQL Rewrite
- Rule-Based Optimizer
- Optimizer extension
- Cost-Based Optimizer
- Support PLSQL
- Query-Based Workload Analysis
- Learning-Based Optimizer
- ORM framework extension
- MyBatis
- Hibernate
- SQLAlchemy
- Multi-cloud product access
- OceanBase Cloud
- Aliyun RDS
- TiCloud
- SQL optimization plugin
- CICD product
- SQL Console product
- IDE plugin
is licensed under Apache - 2.0 License.
DingTalk group: 33920014194