This script installs PHP 7.3 and required extensions and Laravel in Cloud9
How to install?
- Run git clone to clone the repository to your workspace:
git clone /~
- cd to the directory:
cd c9phplaravel
- Make the installer executable:
chmod +x
- Run the installer:
It's done. Now you can go to your preview link of c9 workspace and /phpmyadmin.
What are the files going to be installed?
- PHP7.3
- PHP7.3-Common
- PHP7.3-FPM
- PHP7.3-Mbstring
- PHP7.3-Xml
- PHP7.3-Zip
- PHP7.3-gd
- PHP7.3-mysql
- PHP7.3-pgsql
- MYSQL Server
- phpMyAdmin
What are the post installation scripts being triggered?
- Installing Composer
- Installing Laravel Installer
- Creating new Laravel project in your workspace directory.
- Changing apache php version from 5.5 to 7.3
- Changing the root working directory of apache server to /public instead of workspace directory which causes the Laravel homepage to be viewed without using /public in URL
- This script is only useful for Cloud9 servers. Don't use it in any regular linux distribution and if you do so I take no responsibilities for breaking your Operating System from working.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Don't run the script as sudo in Cloud9