>>> To install Xmipp, please visit this <<<
However, if you still want to install only the XmippCore software, follow:
mkdir <xmipp-bundle> # if it doesn't exist yet
cd <xmipp-bundle>
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/I2PC/xmipp/devel/xmipp -O xmipp
chmod 755 xmipp
./xmipp --help
mkdir src # if not there yet
cd src
git clone /~https://github.com/I2PC/xmippCore/
cd -
./xmipp config # Configure compilation variables
./xmipp check_config: # Check that the configuration is correct
./xmipp compile N xmippCore: # Compile only xmippCore
./xmipp install [dir] # Install at dir (by default, ./build)