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Show Combat Encounter Detail

This mod shows combat encounter information when hovering them :

  • Health
  • Skills
  • Items & item description (with colored flavor text!)

The images are programmatically taken screenshots of the encounter details on with my own additional modification to the html done on the fly.


Mod loader

If you already have BepInEx installed, skip this section.

  1. Download The latest version of BepInEx 5
  2. Extract in the games root folder (<Tempo Launcher -> Settings -> Game Installation Directory>/bazaarwinprodlatest/)

Mod Install

  1. Download the latest release (not the source code)
  2. Extract it in the root <your game install>. you should see a folder at BepInEx\plugins\ShowCombatEncounterDetail
  3. If the toolips do not show after installation, in BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg, set HideManagerGameObject = true (it should be near the top)


After launching the game at least once with the mod installed, you should have a new configuration file at BepInEx\config\ShowCombatEncounterDetail.cfg
Here you can roughly change where the new tooltip appears as a ratio relative to the center of the screen. For example, the default values [0,-.125] for the X and Y parameters respectively put the image centered on the horizontal axis and roughly over your items on the vertical axis. The example screenshot(s) are a value of -.125.
Restart the game after changing these values for them to take effect.


Delete the BepInEx\plugins\ShowCombatEncounterDetail folder in your game files.


alt text alt text


Color the flavor text for keywords (e.g. slow, damage, haste, ...) in item descriptions to match the colors in game for better readability


infarctus for original mod implementation for data