A collection of awesome Neovim configuration from Chinese nvim users.
author | repo | description | tags | stars |
ofseed | /~https://github.com/ofseed/nvim | Over 150+ featured plugins | nvim-lsp, C/C++, Rust, GO, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java | 155 |
jdhao | /~https://github.com/jdhao/nvim-config | A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more... | nvim-lsp, Python, LaTeX | 3765 |
Zwlin98 | /~https://github.com/Zwlin98/nvim | A simple and clean neovim configuration, optimized for HHKB layout | nvim-lsp, Lua, HHKB, Nord, Lua | 46 |
nanozuki | /~https://github.com/nanozuki/crows/tree/master/configs/nvim | None | None | 14 |
aidancz | /~https://github.com/aidancz/arch_config/tree/master/.config/nvim | simple single-file neovim config, with sensible options, mappings, autocmds... | lua, single-file | 0 |
twistoy | /~https://github.com/TwIStOy/dotvim | Simple Neovim configuration, both nix and non-nix environment. | nvim-lsp, C++, Rust, Treesitter | 12 |
leoatchina | /~https://github.com/leoatchina/leovim | A Vim configuration compatible with Vim 7.4 to the latest Neovim, using vim-plug as the plugin manager, primarily in Vimscript with Lua config, rich in features and clear in structure. | vim-plug, mulitple-files, vimscript, lua, vim, neovim, repl, lsp, dap, treesitter, coc.nvim, cmp | 1 |
donglitiaobnan | /~https://github.com/donglitiaoban/dotfiles/tree/main/nvim | Pure-lua neovim configuration tested on windows | lua, lazy, lsp-zero, telescope | 0 |
someoneinjd | /~https://github.com/someoneinjd/dotfiles/tree/main/config/nvim | None | nvim-lsp, lazy.nvim, blink.cmp, treesitter, telescope | 50 |
Do not edit this file directly if you want to add your repo!
Edit the yaml data under ./data/conf_repo_info.yaml
and add your Neovim config repo there.
Telegram Group: https://t.me/nvim_zh