This project is a container for alias, configuration files and scripts with which my standard operating environment can be replicated. It includes .vim and .zshrc configuration.
Inspired by:
Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!
Follow i3-starterpack: /~
Remember to install:
- zsh shell.
- Tilix (Previously known as Terminix).
- Neovim.
- Git (of course).
- Polybar.
- PyWal.
- Rofi.
- Compton/picom.
$ git clone /~
$ cd dotfiles && source
- What are the best fonts to use in a terminal emulator?
- What are the best programming fonts?
- Hack
- Iosevka
- Source Code Pro
- Fira Code
- Inconsolata
- ...
- All color schemes I'm using are available here.
- Now I generate terminal colorscheme based on wallpaper using Pywal.
- Rofi-menu with modifications.
- diff-so-fancy
- z
- fzf
- thefuck
- ...