👋Hi,I'm NowScott
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
👋Hi,I'm NowScott
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
使用nextjs+notionAPI+tailwindcss实现的简单部署的个人索引网站(A simple personal index website deployed using Nextjs + Notion API)
基于python爬虫+Github Action实现每天早上自动发送科技新闻到邮箱(Using Python web scraping and Github Action to automatically send tech news to email every morning. )
复制符是一款便捷的微信小程序,专为快速查找和复制特殊符号而设计。它汇集了多种类型的特殊符号,提供强大的检索功能,支持持续更新,以满足用户多样化的符号使用需求。(Replicator is a convenient WeChat mini-program designed to quickly find and copy special symbols. It brings together …
JavaScript 1
EmaiListInbox 是一个基于 Notion API 和 Node.js 的邮件列表管理和订阅服务,专为科技新闻订阅者设计,实现信息的快速获取和高效管理。(EmaiListInbox is a mailing list management and subscription service built on Notion API and Node.js, designed for t…
JavaScript 6
基于SwitchAudioSource实现的快速切换mac电脑音频输入输出设备的shell脚本(A shell script for quickly switching audio input and output devices on a Mac computer based on SwitchAudioSource. )🎵🔄🖥️
Shell 1