Table of Contents
This is repository for the course ROS2 Autonomous Driving and SLAM using NAV2 with TurtleBot3 availble at Udemy . Complete source code is open sourced.
- Move into your workspace/src folder
cd path/to/ros2_ws/src/
##e.g cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
- Clone the repository in your workspace
git clone /~
- Perform make and build through colcon
cd /path/to/workspace_root/
##e.g ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build
- Source your Workspace in any terminal you open to Run files from this workspace ( which is a basic thing of ROS )
source /path/to/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
- (Optional for Power USERs only) Add source to this workspace into bash file
echo "source /path/to/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
- Main robot we will be using is Turtle Bot 3 by Robotis . Package from official GitHub repository is going to obtained and then we will start to analyze how robot is launched into simulations like Rviz and Gazebo .
- After Going through multiple launch files we will create a custom launch file to bring the robot in to simulations . SLAM using Gmapping node will be executed for our custom created world containing MAZE .
- Then we will perform last project of Autonomous Hotel Waiter in which we are going to utilize NAV2 stack with simple GUI to send robot to different tables.
- Turtlebot3 World Navigation using NAV2
- Maze Solving using Commander API and NAV2
- Autonomous Waiter with GUI
Software Based
- Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS)
- ROS2 - Humble
Below is a discounted coupon for people who want to take the course in which more explaination to this code has been added
Muhammad Luqman (ROS2 Simulation and Control Systems) - Profile Link
Distributed under the GNU-GPL License. See LICENSE
for more information.