A tool to do subdomain enumeration using DNS AXFR (zone transfer) and SNI (Server Name Indication) methods.

- DNS AXFR: Attempts DNS zone transfers to find additional subdomains (useful for misconfigured DNS servers).
- CNAME Chaining: Resolves CNAME records and follows chains to discover further subdomains.
- SNI Enumeration: Uses the TLS SNI extension to discover subdomains that are publicly accessible via HTTPS.
- Configurable Delay: Option to add a delay between requests to avoid rate-limiting.
Ensure that Go is installed and your $GOPATH
is set correctly.
go install github.com/noob6t5/sub_sniaX@latest
For a single domain, This is the recommended method.
sub_sniaX -d domain.com -o output.txt -delay 1000
-d: The target domain (e.g., example.com).
-o: Output file where found subdomains will be saved (e.g., output.txt).
-delay: Delay between requests in milliseconds (e.g., 1000 for 1 second).
-f: Input file containing domains, one per line.
Multple Domain : sub_sniaX -f domains.txt -delay 1500
- Use Stdin Method
- Add more bypasses
- Handle custom input file for SNI from user