pss is an upcoming remote messaging platform on the go-ethereum platform. It is currently being merged into go-ethereum master branch, but the cutting-edge version of the module can be experimented with on this branch:
To use these examples you need two running go-ethereum pss node instances on the ports given in the scripts.
Compile geth:
go build -v -o <desired-path-to-geth-binary> $GOPATH/src/
Compile swarm:
go build -v -o <desired-path-to-swarm-binary> $GOPATH/src/
Create two data directories:
<geth-binary> --datadir <path-to-datadir-A> account new <geth-binary> --datadir <path-to-datadir-B> account new
you will have to enter passwords for these dirs. Enter something simple and DON'T use them for anything sensitive afterwards.
Start two swarm nodes once to create the bzzaccount.
<swarm-binary> --datadir <path-to-datadir> --ethapi ''
Start two swarm nodes proper, with pss:
<swarm-binary> --datadir <path-to-datadir-A> --bzzaccount <bzzaccount-in-datadir> --ens-api '' --pss --ws --wsport 8546 --port 30399 <swarm-binary> --datadir <path-to-datadir-B> --bzzaccount <bzzaccount-in-datadir> --ens-api '' --pss --ws --wsport 8547 --port 30400
Connect one to the other;
a) retrieve the enode from A:
ENODE=geth --exec "admin.nodeInfo.enode" attach <path-to-datadir-A>/bzzd.ipc
b) use it to connect with B:
geth --exec "admin.addPeer($ENODE)" attach <path-to-datadir-B>/bzzd.ipc
Run the javascript
(A script would make that easier, actually.)