Command-line tool and Java library for running and controlling the Heritrix archival web crawler via its REST API. It is intended to be used for running Heritirx as a cronjob or controlling it from another application.
Currently heritrixctl is in an early stage of development and must be compiled from source using Maven.
git clone /~
cd heritrixctl
mvn package # builds jar for command-line usage
mvn install # installs Java library
To connect to an existing instance of Heritrix specifying the URL and credentials via environment variables:
export HERITRIX_URL=https://localhost:8443
export HERITRIX_USER=admin
export HERITIRX_PASSWORD=password
To run a new instance of Heritrix set HERITRIX_HOME. If the path does not exist heritrixctl will automatically download the latest Heritrix build. When operating in this mode Heritrix will exit after the crawl finishes.
export HERITRIX_HOME=/opt/heritrix
To run the crawl configuration from a file named myjob.cxml
java -Xmx64m -jar heritrixctl.jar run myjob.cxml
First connect to a running instance of Heritrix:
HeritrixClient heritrix = new HeritrixClient("https://localhost:8443", "admin", "password");
heritrix.ignoreCertificateErrors(); // remove this if Heritrix is configured with a proper certificate
Or run a new local instance of Heritrix installed in the directory heritrixHome
try (HeritrixProcess heritrix = new HeritrixRunner(heritrixHome).start()) {
Or download the latest Heritrix snapshot, install into heritrixHome
and run it:
try (HeritrixProcess heritrix = HeritrixRunner.downloadLatestSnapshot(heritrixHome).start()) {