This is a simple BMI Calculator Project - a basic level project to learn JAVASCRIPT.
1.) Create a div element in body.
2.) Create a form element inside div element.
3.) Create a P tag inside which create label for height and input field for height.
4.) Create a P tag inside which create label for weight and input field for weight.
5.) create a submit button.
6.) create a empty div tag for the result.
7.) create a div tag for the weight-guide.
1.) select form using querySelector from document and hold it in a variable.
2.) add eventListener to form and the event in this case will be Submit not click.
3.) in form there is default property to send data to server by post and get method but we don't want that so use preventDefault function on event.
4.) select height id from document by using .value , now value is in string format so convert into into integer. (same for weight)
5.) checks for valid height and weight.
6.) calculate bmi and render it in the result by innerHTML.