Quickly filter in-scope domains & urls for bug bounty
git clone /~https://github.com/nil0x42/inscope
cp inscope/inscope ~/bin
inscope depends on Python3
usage: inscope [-h] [-s <file or expr>] [-r]
Filter in-scope subdomains & URLs from input
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s <file or expr>, --scope <file or expr>
scope file or expression (defaults to `./SCOPE` file)
-r, --reverse reverse match: only show out-of-scope items
usage examples:
cat urls.txt | inscope > inscope-urls.txt
cat domains.txt | inscope -r > domains-NOT-in-scope.txt
cat urls.txt | inscope -s '*.gov|*.mil' > us-gov-urls.txt
if not specified with '-s', scope is taken from ./SCOPE file
in nearest parent directory.
scope file syntax example:
# this is a comment
# in-scope items:
# out-of-scope items start with '!'
! excluded.target.com