A simple and opinionated library that lets you set up and use zap quickly.
Simplog is a small library that sets zap up in a way that is easy to use and provides some additional features. Simplog is opinionated and tries to provide a good default configuration for most use cases. If you need more features, you may use the resulting zap logger directly.
- Client and server modes
- Visualized log levels
- Optional context-binding support
- Easy to use
go get -u github.com/nikoksr/simplog
For more examples, see the examples directory.
package main
import "github.com/nikoksr/simplog"
func main() {
// Using the manual configuration; alternatively you can use NewClientLogger() or NewServerLogger().
logger := simplog.NewWithOptions(&simplog.Options{
Debug: false,
IsServer: true,
// At this point, you're using a zap.SugaredLogger and can use it as you would normally do.
logger.Info("You're awesome!")
logger.Warn("Coffee is almost empty!")
logger.Error("Unable to operate, caffein levels too low.")
In debug mode, independent of the mode, the logger will print all messages greater-equal than the debug-level in a human readable format.
2022-10-23T14:25:15.537+0200 INFO simplog test-simplog/main.go:12 You're awesome!
2022-10-23T14:25:15.537+0200 WARN simplog test-simplog/main.go:13 Coffee is almost empty!
2022-10-23T14:25:15.537+0200 ERROR simplog test-simplog/main.go:14 Unable to operate, caffein levels too low.
In production mode, the client logger will print all messages greater-equal than the info-level in a human readable format and replace the log level with a colored emoji.
The symbols are configurable and can be set to any string.
💡 You're awesome!
⚠️ Coffee is almost empty!
🔥 Unable to operate, caffein levels too low.
In production mode, the server logger will print all messages greater-equal than the info-level in a structured format.
{"level":"info","ts":1666528089.4873903,"logger":"simplog","caller":"test-simplog/main.go:12","msg":"You're awesome!"}
{"level":"warn","ts":1666528089.4874253,"logger":"simplog","caller":"test-simplog/main.go:13","msg":"Coffee is almost empty!"}
{"level":"error","ts":1666528089.487434,"logger":"simplog","caller":"test-simplog/main.go:14","msg":"Unable to operate, caffein levels too low."}
- Logo by the amazing MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack