It's a script which shows you how different algorithms sort arrays, so you can understand how these algorithms work
- Open
- Click on a button titled with the type of sorting you want to be visualized
- Enjoy!
You can also set length of array, frame time, shapes and enable audio output
- Set length of array using the first input field (100 by default)
- Set frame time using the second input field (1ms for quick demo, 10-20ms for medium speed, 50-100ms is for slow) (20ms by default)
- Enable audio by pressing the button (mid freq is comparing, low freq is swapping) (Optional, Chrome only)
- Set shapes by clicking a thumbnail (circles by default)
- Bubble sort
- Shaker sort
- Comb sort
- Insertion sort
- Shell sort
- Gnome sort
- Selection sort
- Merge sort
- Counting sort
- ...and more