Developer, Linux and FOSS enthusiast from Hong Kong
- Youtube:
- Website:
- Git:
- Email: (PGP Key)
Language Files Code Comment Blank Lines
JavaScript 133 10747 682 349 11778
C 62 9521 1062 1418 12001
Java 160 7724 131 963 8818
TypeScript 79 3434 134 141 3709
C Header 46 3309 4371 628 8308
Kotlin 24 1625 60 183 1868
CSS 7 705 18 133 856
Makefile 18 569 14 178 761
HTML 20 478 7 33 518
Python 9 261 15 31 307
Lua 2 161 0 9 170
R 3 26 14 8 48
Total 563 38560 6508 4074 49142
- OS: Alpine Linux
- WM: dwl
- Notifications: luft
- Terminal: foot
- Shell: sh
- AUR Helper: aureate
- Wallpaper daemon: wbg
- Wallpapers: catppuccin
- File Manager: lf, ccc
- Search menu: fnf, wmenu
- Browser: firefox
- Font: Monaspice Kr Nerd Font
- Bootloader: grub
- Grub theme:
(Based on sayonara) - File Manager: lf
- Using lfimg-sixel to support sixel in lf with foot
- graphicsmagick for SVG and GIF preview
- Fontpreview for OTF TTF WOFF preview
- Required packages: imagemagick chafa ydotool fzf
- VM
- Packages: bridge-utils libvirt qemu-full virt-manager virt-viewer
Windws partition in fstab should have these properties
UUID=94ACAFD1ACAFAC64 /run/media/N ntfs rw,user,auto,fmask=133,dmask=022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
device list # find device name
station [device name] connect [network name]
pacman -Sy git
git clone /~
bash night0721/.data/
git clone --bare
Credits to this tutorial
Go to about:profiles and create a new profile with custom folder
cd into the folder and create user.js
Copy betterfox into user.js
Restart firefox
Then follow /~ to install stylus
Downloading codeberg and github css themes selecting mocha and lavender.
SUPER + S = Start Terminal
SUPER + F = Start Firefox
SUPER + C = Kill Active Window
SUPER + L = Lock Screen
SUPER + M = Power menu
SUPER + [1-9] = Switch to tags
SUPER + SHIFT + [1-9] = Move active window to tag
SUPER + SHIFT + Q = Quit to tty
SUPER + O = Increase opacity
SUPER + SHIFT + O = Decrease opacity
SUPER + B = Toggle bar
SUPER + AD = Switch focus to window
SUPER + QE = Change window size
SUPER + [,.] = Focus next/previous monitor
SUPER + SHIFT + [,.] = Move window to next/previous monitor
SUPER + SHIFT + SPACE = Toggle floating
SUPER + ENTER = Toggle focus
SUPER + P = Password menu
SUPER + SPACE = App Launcher
SUPER + SHIFT + S = Screenshot menu