This repository contains a Nestjs server that exposes a graphQL api built with apollo server and a React app built with Vite that consumes the api using apollo client.
Please make sure you have mysql database running on your device, you can also use a docker container, just be sure to update the database configuration in the server.
- Clone the repository
git clone
Move inside each project to install dependencies and run project
cd graphql-server
npm install
npm run start:dev
From now you will have the server running oh the port 5000. Go to localhost:5000, you will have the playground below with the schemas and documentation.
- Client
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
Now the client is running on the port 5174 that provides the interface below.
Finally you can play with that by adding or deleting users.
If you find an issue with this project or you have any suggestion please help out. I am not perfect.