System to consult worktimes based on colors.
Anyone can create an account.
Once the account is created, the inituitive app will guide you trough the process of setting up your colors and times.
e.g. Create a color named 'Red' for the early shift (You can choose the start- and ending time)
Anyone who consult's your schedule will see the color's you have entered, not theirs.
All institutions work differently, but there are similarities.
Some will refer to a particular shift or customer as a color, others with an abbriviation or other reference.
We will focus on colors but make sure the app is easiliy extenable.
All information will be retrieved using SSL (https).
User's credentials are stored using SHA-256 in combination with a random salt.
Credentials are safely stored on the user's phone once entered.
- .NET Web API
- .NET Entity Framework
- REST Webservices
- Xamarin.Forms
- MVVM Pattern
- Linq
- Responsive design
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- C#
All API features are deployed on Microsoft Azure.
Binaries will be made available on request.