Vim bindings for the workman keyboard layout. Brings sanity to workman normal mode or use workman in insert mode on a qwerty layout.
langmap with function keys!
still a work in progress, so will probably break alot
Note: normal mode maps require the langnoremap
setting introduced in
7.4.502, otherwise sanity doesn't really happen much.
Workman "maps a qwerty layout keyboard to workman in insert mode
Workman! "maps a qwerty layout keyboard to workman in normal mode
Qwerty "maps a workman layout keyboard to qwerty in insert mode
Qwerty! "maps a workman layout keyboard to qwerty in normal mode
WorkmanUndo "Undoes bindings from the other commands (both insert & normal)
These go in your .vimrc or similar so you don't have to use the commands all the time. They are all off by default. Set to 0 to disable or 1 to enable.
let g:workman_normal_workman = 0
let g:workman_insert_workman = 0
let g:workman_normal_qwerty = 0
let g:workman_insert_qwerty = 0
Tests are written for vim-themis
To run tests, clone vim-themis, and simply run the tests:
git clone /~
vim-themis/bin/themis --reporter dot test
this plugin was originally this gist MattWoelk/887861 which was in turn this script colquer