This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.1.6.
A boilerplate project for setting up Firebase Authentication in an Angular Application.
This repo provides a ready-to-use authentication system with Firebase, including user sign-up, login, logout and password reset functionalities.
- Zoneless Angular v19 with Standalone Components
- Firebase Authentication (Email / Password) that uses the JWT pattern
- Secure Route Guard for Authenticated Users
git clone /~ my-angular-firebase-auth-project
cd my-angular-firebase-auth-project
npm install
- Go to Firebase Console
- Create a new project & enable Authentication (Email / Password)
- Get your Firebase Web API Key from Project Settings → General
- Add it in your "firebaseApiKey" in your environment.
- Set your localStorage Key property value in the Auth Service.
npm start
ng serve --open
This project is open-source under the MIT License.