Here’s a comprehensive
for the Pulsy library with examples and explanations:
# Pulsy
Pulsy is a modern state management library designed for simplicity and flexibility. It supports React hooks, middleware, persistence, computed stores, and time-travel debugging. Pulsy is lightweight yet powerful, making it an excellent choice for managing state in React applications.
## Features
- **React Integration:** Use Pulsy with React hooks for seamless state updates.
- **Middleware Support:** Intercept and customize state updates.
- **State Persistence:** Automatically save and restore state from storage.
- **Time-Travel Debugging:** Undo and redo state changes with ease.
- **Computed Stores:** Derive state based on other stores.
- **DevTools Compatibility:** Monitor and debug state changes effectively.
## Installation
Install Pulsy via npm or yarn:
npm install pulsy
# or
yarn add pulsy
Create and use a store in a React component:
import { createStore, usePulsy } from "pulsy";
// Create a store
createStore("counter", 0);
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = usePulsy<number>("counter");
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount((prev) => prev + 1)}>Increment</button>
Add middleware to log state changes:
createStore("exampleStore", 0, {
middleware: [
(nextValue, prevValue, name) => {
console.log(`${name} changed from ${prevValue} to ${nextValue}`);
return nextValue;
Persist state with localStorage
createStore("persistentStore", { theme: "dark" }, {
persist: {
storage: localStorage,
version: 1,
migrate: (state, version) => {
if (version < 1) {
return { ...state, migrated: true };
return state;
Use undo and redo in your app:
function CounterWithUndo() {
const [count, setCount, undo, redo, history] = useTimeTravel<number>("counter");
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount((prev) => prev + 1)}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={undo}>Undo</button>
<button onClick={redo}>Redo</button>
<p>History: {JSON.stringify(history)}</p>
Create a store that derives its value from others:
createStore("price", 100);
createStore("quantity", 2);
createComputedStore("totalCost", () => {
const price = getStoreValue<number>("price");
const quantity = getStoreValue<number>("quantity");
return price * quantity;
}, ["price", "quantity"]);
Creates a new store.
function createStore<T>(
name: string,
initialValue: T,
options?: {
persist?: boolean | PersistenceOptions;
middleware?: Middleware<T>[];
memoize?: boolean;
): void;
React hook to access and update a store.
function usePulsy<T>(name: string): [
T, // Current value
(newValue: T | ((prev: T) => T)) => Promise<void> // Setter
Manage state with undo/redo support.
function useTimeTravel<T>(name: string): [
T, // Current value
(newValue: T | ((prev: T) => T)) => Promise<void>, // Setter
() => void, // Undo
() => void, // Redo
T[] // History
Create a derived store.
function createComputedStore<T>(
name: string,
computeFn: () => T,
dependencies: string[]
): void;
Configure global settings for Pulsy.
function configurePulsy(config: PulsyConfig): void;
Middleware functions can intercept and modify state updates.
addMiddleware("exampleStore", (nextValue, prevValue) => {
if (nextValue < 0) {
return 0; // Prevent negative values
return nextValue;
Use namespaces for modular state management.
const userNamespace = createNamespacedStore("user");
const setUser = userNamespace("info");
Combine multiple stores into one for centralized management.
composeStores("userProfile", {
name: "userName",
age: "userAge",
Remove all persisted data:
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
Pulsy simplifies state management while providing advanced features to enhance your development workflow. Try it today!
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to add or modify!