We have shown consent layer as soon as the login page opens. For telecom login and admin login consent layer shown . We are getting some errors in browser console regarding content security which blocking functionality. Cookies not getting set after consent layer acceptance . To solve this issue NMC Marketing app developed which will add csp rules
From settings app search for NMC marketing app and enable it.
Add below in server config
'trusted_font_urls'=>array(0 => 'https://ebs10.telekom.de/opt-in/',), 'trusted_image_urls'=>array(0 => 'https://pix.telekom.de/',1=>'http://fbc.wcfbc.net/',)
// config/config.php
// In order to deactivate the consent layer for the mobile clients we have to configure the identifiable user agents of those clients
'nmc_marketing.mobile_user_agents' => [
'/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(Android\) Nextcloud\-android\/(?<version>(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)).*$/',
'/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(iOS\) Nextcloud\-iOS\/(?<version>(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)).*$/',
Execute test case steps:
From server directory Execute below command
./phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit-autotest.xml apps/nmc_marketing/tests/CSPListenerTest.php
Php unit install steps(https://phpunit.de/getting-started/phpunit-9.html):- Note:- Execute all commands at server level
1.wget -O phpunit https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit-9.phar
2.chmod +x phpunit
Check php unit version:-
./phpunit --version