There are several things that must be done to setup New York.
First of all, you will need to edit debug.bat to replace <command>
with the command you want to run. Feel free to move around %1
, which is the filename argument passed from nyc.go. It is only placed where it is based on standard command line calling convention. An example of how debug.bat might look is as follows:
windbg -G -Q -c "$$><events.wds;g" "program.exe" %1
If the target process is in your path, feel free to shorten debug.bat to something like this:
windbg -G -Q -c "$$><events.wds;g" program %1
No changes are necessary to nyc.go, cpu.bat, or events.wds, but they are simple enough to alter if need be.
Secondly, make sure before running nyc.exe that crash.log does not exist in the same directory as the New York executable.
Third, you must have !exploitable installed properly.
Lastly, you will need a fileset. My scraper isn't up to par at the moment, but scraping should suffice, especially when searching for obscure filetypes that aren't necessarily indexed by the major search engines. Your best bet is creating a minset by tracing codepaths with a tool such as RunTracer.
No external dependencies are required. Ensure you have the latest version of Go installed (version 1.5 at the time of writing). Versions 1.5+ have support for non-bootstrapped cross-compilation, so compiling on your host for use within a x86 or x64 VM should be no problem. To compile for your default architecture, run the following:
go build
In order to cross-compile, you must set the environment variables GOOS and GOARCH to the corresponding values for the target. Then you may continue with running the command above.
Generic: nyc.exe <target process> <minset> <filetype> <timeout>
Example: nyc.exe program.exe minset .mp3 10
It's important to note that if <timeout>
<= 0, then the process will be terminated when the process' CPU usage is 0. Otherwise, the process will be terminated after it has been detected as running (CPU usage not 0 or -1), in addition to the specified delay.
- Log errors to a file
- Central server distribution of mutations
- Central server controlled rolling restarts
- Implement different methods for "dumb" fuzzing / mutation
- Protocol fuzzing (in real time and from pcaps)
- Linux support
- Mac OS support
- A lot more...
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