NodeJS based transaction processor middleware implementation for the Daraja Safaricom M-Pesa API
Feature list
Auth Management
Lipa na M-Pesa Online Payment API is used to initiate a M-Pesa transaction on behalf of a customer using STK Push.
Online Payment
- Mpesa pay bill short code. MUST have been configured for Lipa Na Mpesa Service
- Lipa Na Mpesa API key e.g. bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919
- Create a production application on Safaricom Developer site ensure you check against Lipa na Mpesa Production under OTP confirmation window when going through the go live steps.
This transaction is initiated by your application e.g. ecommerce site
End point :
change the host information based on where you have deployed the solutionSample Request
{ "amount": "5", "accountReference": "12344", "callBackURL": "http://some-url", "description": "school fees", "phoneNumber": "254708374149" }
Expected Response
If the transaction is successful you will get the response
which indicates success anything else in the status field is a failed transaction{ "status": "00", "message": "Success. Request accepted for processing", "merchantRequestId": "16949-1561111-1", "checkoutRequestId": "ws_CO_05122017091747935" }
This transaction is initiated by the mpesa gateway to your application. Transaction will be sent to the enp point you provided in the initial request. This request may take time to arrive after sending the initial transaction request.
{ "status": "00", "message": "Transaction confirmed successfully.", "merchantRequestId": "16949-1561111-1", "checkoutRequestId": "ws_CO_05122017091747935", "mpesaReference": "LIC86ZTXKO" }
Respond to this transaction with the message below
{ "status": "00", "message": "Success" }
Query the API service for transaction confirmation not received. The transaction queries the local database before querying safaricom for the transaction
{ "merchantRequestId": "16949-1561111-1", "checkoutRequestId": "ws_CO_05122017091747935" }
The response for a successful transaction request will contain the fields below
{ "status": "00", "message": "Transaction confirmed successfully.", "merchantRequestId": "16949-1561111-1", "checkoutRequestId": "ws_CO_05122017091747935", "mpesaReference": "LIC86ZTXKO" }
This API enables Paybill and Buy Goods merchants to integrate to M-Pesa and receive real time payments notifications.
- Mpesa pay bill short code. MUST have been configured for C2B payments
- Create a production application on Safaricom Developer site ensure you check against C2B Production under OTP confirmation window when going through the go live steps.
- On running the service register the service api end points to Safaricom and then you need to register the end points of your application to this service. This enables it to forward requests to your merchant site when customers initiate payments via STK.
When you run this application, you have to configure its end points using a domain name that is accessible over the internet. In the properties.json file enter the validation and confirmation urls on the validationURL and confirmationURL keys respectively.Also, add your short code in the shortCode key.
"shortCode": "600169", "confirmationURL": "https://localhost:3000/v1/payBill/confirmation", "validationURL": "https://localhost:3000/v1/account/validation",
To initiate this transaction, call a put request to the end point
. This will initiate a request to Safaricom to register the above configured end points. On successful registration, the response received will beSample Registration Success Response
{ "status": "00", "message": "success" }
To ensure you receive transactions on your merchant site. You have to register the end points to receive validation and confirmation request.
Send a POST request to the service end point
Sample Merchant End Point Registration Request
{ "shortCode": "513833", "confirmationURL": "http://localhost:3000/c2b/confirm", "validationURL": "http://localhost:3000/c2b/validate" }
Sample Registration Success Response
{ "status": "00", "message": "URL registration successful" }
To ensure your customers are paying to the right account, M-Pesa has to send a confirmation request to confirm the existence of an account. This request will be forwarded to the validation end point registered earlier under Merchant End Point Registration
Sample account validation Request
{ "transactionType": "PAY BILL", "action": "validate", "phone": "25470*****", "firstName": "JOHN", "middleName": "DOE", "lastName": "", "amount": "5.00", "accountNumber": "DSTV12345", "time": "2018-02-28 20:46:29" }
Sample Account Validation Success Response
{ "status": "00", "message": "Account validation success", "transactionId":"MERCHANT09822FEES" }
Sample Account Validation Failed Response
{ "status": "01", "message": "Account provided is invalid", "transactionId":"" }
To confirm the customer's has deposited funds into your merchant pay bill, Safaricom initiates this transaction through the service to the confirmation url initially registered. This request may take time to arrive after sending the initial transaction request. This request will be forwarded to the validation end point registered earlier under Merchant End Point Registration
Sample Confirmation Request
{ "transactionType": "Pay Bill", "action": "confirmation", "phone": "254706151592", "firstName": "BEN", "middleName": "MUUO", "lastName": "", "OrgAccountBalance": "1995.00", "amount": "5.00", "accountNumber": "HRE668807", "transID": "MBQ9YFXP8E", "time": "2018-02-26 20:46:39" }
Sample Confirmation Response
{ "status": "00", "message": "Success" }
The confirmation transaction indicates the customer has been charged successfully.
NOTE: More daraja mpesa implementation will be included
The solution is built on nodejs by the popular Express framework backed by its own Mongodb
Installing Safaricom-daraja-nodejs is easy and straight-forward, but there are a few requirements you’ll need to make sure your system has before you start.
You will need to install some stuff, if they are not yet installed in your machine:
If you've already installed the above you may need to only update npm to the latest version:
$ sudo npm update -g npm
Best way to install this middleware is to clone it from Github
To clone/download the boilerplate
$ git clone /~
After cloning, get into your cloned safaricom-daraja-nodejs's directory/folder
$ cd safaricom-daraja-nodejs
Install all of the projects dependencies with:
$ npm install
Run the command npm start
on your terminal and see that everything is all good:
$ npm start
DISCLAIMER: All opinions aired in this repo are ours and do not reflect any company or organisation any contributor is involved with.