Get it? It's headless!
MinerWrangler is the ultimate bundle of bash scripts to ease your way into cryptocurrency mining that is open-source and gives you full control over your rigs—by default. No monitor, keyboard, or mouse required. Only NVIDIA support for now.
git clone /~ && cd minerwrangler && chmod +x && sudo ./
- Simple and intuitive to use
- One line to install
- Full control over your rig(s)
- Truly headless
- Integrated with 💊 OhGodAnETHlargementPill (GTX 1080, GTX 1080Ti & TITAN Xp—GDDR5X GPUs)
"ED (Ethereum Dysfunction) affects 1 in 10 NVIDIA GPUs in North America"
- Support for the latest & greatest version of Ubuntu Server LTS
- Firewall is enabled by default
- Command-line interface
- GPUs
- GTX 1080
- RTX 2080
- Driver version
- nvidia-driver-440
- nvidia-driver-460 (default)
- Run the installation in a screen session for more bullet-proofness
- Add option to automatically mine on boot
- Script to more easily configure overclocks and fan speeds
- RVN mining support
- Break down existing code in detail
- XMRig support
- AMD GPU support
- Support other miners and algorithms
NVIDIA drivers on Linux are rather finicky and do not like being overclocked without a monitor connected to them, so I had to trick them using a combination of lightdm and some other commands.
After countless hours, probably even days of banging my head against the monitor in despair to have my rigs work headlessly, and be actually be overclockable, I wanted to find a way that was simple, yet have the code and process be open-source. In contrast to operating systems like HiveOS, or NHOS, using MinerWrangler in conjunction with Ubuntu Server, you can actually understand each step of the process and have full control over your rigs as providers of the blockchain.
- OC Nvidia GTX1070s in Ubuntu 16.04LTS for Ethereum mining - tricking NVIDIA drivers into allowing headless overclocking
- How to create a bootable USB stick to flash a BIOS - updating BIOS on an old computer