A collection various Profile components with auto data retrieval using public APIs and auto cache management of profile data. You wanna showcase your profile ? Style it up with react-profiles :)
- Profile components for lot of common sites.
- Compressed SVG icons for scalability.
- Uses public APIs to fetch data based on given username
- Manages caching of API data automatically with appropriate refresh frequency.
- Material ui components for visual treat.
- Tooltip customization.
npm install react-profiles
import { GitHub, HackerRank, Facebook, StackOverflow, LinkedIn, Instagram, GooglePlus, Youtube, Yahoo, Twitch, Twitter, Skype } from 'react-profiles';
<link href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" type='text/css'>
<GitHub username="nateshmbhat" />
<StackOverflow userid="6665568" tooltip="custom tooltip" />
<LinkedIn username="nateshmbhat" organization="Google" role="Developer" />
<HackerRank username="nateshmbhat1" rank={4900} category="Algorithm Practice"
<Instagram link="https://www.instagram.com/nateshmbhat/" />
<Facebook link="" newPage{false}/>
<GooglePlus link="" newPage={false} />
<Youtube link="" />
<Twitch link="" />
<Twitter link="" />
<Skype link="" />
<Yahoo link="" tooltip="My tooltip" />
Props :
- newPage = open new page on clicking link (default = true)
- link = profile link
- tooltip = tooltip to be shown on mouse hover
- Homepage : /~https://github.com/nateshmbhat/react-profiles/
- npm install page : https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-profiles