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Poe the Poet

Poe the Poet

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A batteries included task runner that works well with poetry or uv.

📖 Read the documentation 📖


Quick start

  1. Install the Poe the Poet via pipx or another method.
pipx install poethepoet
  1. Define some tasks in your pyproject.toml
test         = "pytest --cov=my_app"                         # a simple command task
serve.script = "my_app.service:run(debug=True)"              # python script based task = "ssh -N -L$PROD:8080 $PROD &"   # (posix) shell based task
  1. Run your tasks via the CLI
$ poe test -v tests/unit # extra CLI arguments are appended to the underlying command
Poe => pytest --cov=my_app

If you're using poetry, then poe will automatically use CLI tools and libraries from your poetry managed virtualenv without you having to run poetry run or poetry shell

Poe can also be used without poetry.


There's plenty to do, come say hi in the discussions or open an issue! 👋

Also check out the CONTRIBUTING guide 🤓
