A retrofit extension written in kotlin
- Basic Usage
- Unwrap Response by KeyPath
- Unwrap Response by Wrapper Class
- Convert Uri to MultiPartBody
- Serial / Parallel Calls
- Retry Interval / Exponential backoff
- Call Cancellation
- Mock Response
In your project level build.gradle :
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
In your app level build.gradle :
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jaychang0917:SimpleApiClient:{latest_version}'
Config the api client and use it to create your api.
interface GithubApi {
companion object {
fun create() : GithubApi =
SimpleApiClient.create {
baseUrl = "https://api.github.com"
errorClass = ApiError::class // should be conformed to SimpleApiError
errorMessageKeyPath = "meta.message"
defaultParameters = mapOf()
defaultHeaders = mapOf()
connectTimeout = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1)
readTimeout = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1)
writeTimeout = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1)
enableStetho = true // default true
logLevel = LogLevel.BASIC // default NONE
isMockDataEnabled = true // default false
certificatePins = listOf(
CertificatePin(hostname = "api.foo.com", sha1PublicKeyHash = "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33"),
CertificatePin(hostname = "api.bar.com", sha256PublicKeyHash = "fcde2b2edba56bf408601fb721fe9b5c338d10ee429ea04fae5511b68fbf8fb9")
jsonParser = GsonParser() // default: GsonParser
errorHandler = { error ->
// you can centralize the handling of general error here
when (error) {
is AuthenticationError -> {...}
is ClientError -> {...}
is ServerError -> {...}
is NetworkError -> {...}
is SSLError -> {...}
fun getUsers(@Query("q") query: String): Observable<List<User>>
The library uses Gson to parse json by default, you can create your own json parser by implementing JsonParser
class MoshiParser : JsonParser {
var moshi = Moshi.Builder().add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()).build()
override fun converterFactory(): Converter.Factory = MoshiConverterFactory.create(moshi)
override fun <T> parse(json: String, typeOfT: Type): T {
val jsonAdapter = moshi.adapter<T>(typeOfT)
return jsonAdapter.fromJson(json)!!
Use observe()
to enqueue the call, do your stuff in corresponding parameter block. All blocks are run on android main thread by default and they are optional.
onStart = { println("show loading") },
onEnd = { println("hide loading") },
onSuccess = { println(it) },
onError = { println(it.message) }
Sometimes the api response includes metadata that we don't need, but in order to map the response we create a wrapper class and make the function return that wrapper class. This approach leaks the implementation of service to calling code.
Assuming the response json looks like the following:
total_count: 33909,
incomplete_results: false,
foo: {
bar: {
items: [
login: "jaychang0917",
And you only want the items
part, use @ResponseKeyPath("keypath")
annotation to indicate which part of response you want.
fun getUsers(@Query("q") query: String): Observable<List<User>>
Similarly, unwrap the error response by setting the errorMessageKeyPath
of SimpleApiClient.Config
This feature is only available for default gson parser, if you use other json parser like moshi, you should implement the following method of JsonParser
interface JsonParser {
// this method is called before the api response parsing
fun update(type: Type, keyPath: String) {
The default GsonParser
An alternative solution is that you can create a wrapper class that conforming SimpleApiResult<T>
, and use @Unwrap(class)
to indicate that you want an unwrapped response of that wrapper class.
class ApiResult<T: Any>: SimpleApiResult<T> {
fun getUsers(@Query("q") query: String): Observable<List<User>>
Use @MultiPart
to annotate a Uri
or ArrayList<Uri>
that is going to be converted to MultiPartBody
fun uploadPhoto(@Body @MultiPart(name = "image", mimeType = "image/jpeg") file: Uri): Observable<Image>
fun uploadPhotos(@Body @MultiPart(name = "image", mimeType = "image/jpeg") files: ArrayList<Uri>): Observable<Image>
.then { users -> githubApi.getRepo("google", "gson") }
.then { users -> githubApi.getRepo("google", "gson") }
.thenAll( repo ->
githubApi.getRepo("ReactiveX", "RxJava")
githubApi.getRepo("google", "gson")
githubApi.getRepo("google", "gson")
).then { array -> // the return type is Array<Any>, you should cast them, e.g. val users = array[0] as List<User>
.retryInterval(maxRetryCount = 3, delaySeconds = 5) // retry up to 3 times, each time delays 5 seconds
.retryExponential(maxRetryCount = 3, delaySeconds = 5) // retry up to 3 times, each time delays 5^n seconds, where n = {1,2,3}
To avoid leaking context, we should cancel the executing api request when leave the context. Thanks to AutoDispose, it is just a line of code to fix it. The api call will be cancelled automatically in corresponding lifecycle callback. For instance, an api call is made in onStart()
, it be will cancelled automatically in onStop
val call = githubApi.getUsers("google").observe(...)
To enable response mocking, set SimpleApiClient.Config.isMockDataEnabled
to true
To make the api return a successful response with provided json
fun getRepo(@Path("user") user: String, @Path("repo") repo: String): Observable<Repo>
To make the api return a client side error with provided json
@MockResponse(json = R.raw.get_repo_error, status = Status.CLIENT_ERROR)
fun getRepo(@Path("user") user: String, @Path("repo") repo: String): Observable<Repo>
parameter of MockResponse
is optional, you can set the status only, then you receive empty string.
Possible Status
enum class Status {
To mock a response with success status only, you should return Observable<Unit>
@MockResponse(status = Status.SUCCESS)
fun deleteRepo(@Path("id") id: String): Observable<Unit>
Copyright 2017 Jay Chang
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.